Road to India - PC

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Road to India (PC)
Viewed: 2D Combination Genre:
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Microids Soft. Co.: Microids
Publishers: Microids (GB)
Released: 6 Jul 2001 (GB)
Ratings: 3+
No Accessories: No Accessories


Those of you thinking today’s video games are all being released with full, super-snazzy 3D graphics engines are wrong. Despite the capabilities of the computers and consoles of today, there are still a great number of games that are essentially presented in nothing more than 2D. Why? Building complex game engines requires a lot of time and funding that only a few companies in the industry are able to afford. But Microids have shown just how great a game can be, no matter how limited your resources are. Their latest PC achievement, Road to India, is a fine example.

After leaving his girlfriend at the airport, Fred Reynolds was devastated to hear of her kidnapping. The culprits, the Kali worshippers, are now his one and only target – nothing else matters. It is here where you begin your life-threatening adventure on the Road To India.

At the beginning your adventure, you will notice that, although in 2D format, the backdrops look absolutely stunning, and you still have 360-degree vision.

Road to India is a puzzle-driven game through and through, and features around twenty hours of engrossing gameplay. But it is the plot of the story that will keep you motivated, since some of the puzzles can be extremely frustrating. The game’s longevity is also boosted by the offer of two different ways to end the game.

While Road to India isn’t as epic as a Final Fantasy RPG, it still carries most of the assets of a great game. Well worth a look.