Doug's Big Game - Game Boy Color

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Doug's Big Game (Game Boy Color)
Viewed: Not known Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Developer: NewKidCo Soft. Co.: NewKidCo
Publishers: Ubisoft (GB)
Released: 13 Apr 2001 (GB)
Ratings: 3+


Doug’s Big Game immerses the gamer in the world of Doug and his alter-ego Quailman in an action-packed adventure to find the missing Patti Mayonnaise:

<ul><li>Features Doug, Quailman, Porkchop and all the favorite characters from the town of Bluffington.
<li>Collect power-ups to max out Quailman’s powers, unleash the mighty Quaileye, and save the day.
<li>Collect clues to save in Doug’s journal.</ul>