Midnight Madness: Table Games - PC

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Midnight Madness: Table Games (PC)
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Static screen Genre:
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Developer: 3DO Studios Soft. Co.: 3DO Studios
Publishers: 3DO Studios (GB/US)
Released: 2000 (GB)
Unknown (US)
Ratings: ESRB Everyone


You’re down to your last hundred bucks and it’s three in the morning. You have already lost your house, your car and your wife and your last hundred is sitting at roulette table number three on red 32. The dealer spins the wheel and gathered punters hush themselves in anticipation and… Well nearly.

Midnight Madness Table games is the first part of 3DO’s casino simulator and includes all the Vegas table games you would expect: baccarat, blackjack, craps, keno, money wheel, poker and of course roulette.

The gameplay is fluent and adaptable allowing various speeds of deal and spin and a flexibility to manage your own money. There is a cash machine where any of the various characters you may control can deposit or withdraw cash to suit their gambling needs. The odds are casino standard with all rules explained.