The athletics genre, otherwise known as the button-bashing genre is renowned for its multi-player madness. Sergei Bubkas Millennium Games offers PC owners a new method of blowing away world records in the form of a mouse. Now you can use your right-handed friend to achieve some of the worlds fastest times using the Mouse Driven Power (MDP) technique.
As with most athletics titles, this game revolves around the track and field events of sport. There are 19 different events for you to choose from, including 4x4 relays and a long distance 5000m race (ache). Control methods are, in essence, very much the same on PC, whereby you have two alternate power buttons and an action button. Since you wont get any fantastic records using keyboard techniques, the mouse comes highly recommended.
There are a number of playing modes to compete in, including a tutorial that will help you get to grips with the controls of individual events. You can compete in pick-up-and-play type challenges, or you can put yourself through a harsh decathlon. Your button-bashing endurance capabilities should influence the mode of play you take part in.
With all the track and field events you could ask for, backed by a world championship pole-vaulter, Sergei Bubkas Millennium Games is a complete and nicely polished title.