Animorphs chronicles the thrilling adventures of five teenagers on a heroic mission to save the world from an evil alien invasion. Empowered by their ability to transform into any animal they touch, these five young heroes must use their brains and newly acquired abilities to outsmart the evil aliens known as Yeerks. Under the leadership of their commander, Visser 3, the Yeerks will stop at nothing in their mission to control mankind.
In the game, the Yeerks have captured four microprocessors, powerful devices crucial to their plans for human domination. Assuming the role of each of the Animorphs (Cassie, Jake, Marco, and Rachel) players must retrieve these microprocessors while battling with the Yeerks and their enslaved alien minions, the Taxxons and the Hork Bajirs. In a race against time, players use their morphing power to complete four dangerous missions within 12 diverse graphic environments. But be aware that if more than two hours are spent as any one animal, the ability to change back to a human being is lost forever!
Featuring character-driven gameplay, each mission begins in Explore Mode, where players search for vital information and acquire morphs from more than 45 animals. Battle Mode pits gamers against animal and alien adversaries as they select from four attack options specific to their morph animal in a card-game style battle. Using the night vision of a bat or digging tunnels as a mole, the platform mode allows players to evoke their specific morph animals natural abilities in a side scrolling adventure of stealth and strategy.