Battle Tanx: Global Assault - PlayStation

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Battle Tanx: Global Assault (PlayStation)
Also for: N64
Viewed: 3D Third person, into the screen Genre:
Combat Game: Tank
Arcade origin:No
Developer: 3DO Studios Soft. Co.: 3DO Studios
Publishers: 3DO Studios (GB/US)
Released: 5 May 2000 (GB)
Unknown (US)
Ratings: 11+, ESRB Teen 13+ (T)


Destruction is essentially what this title is about. But there is a storyline, which is incorporated quite well in the form of FMV. In game scene are about shooting and nothing else. Your task is to get rid of the nasty female, Cassandra, who is intent on destroying everything. But along the way, you will have to face her followers, the Black Angels. These are the opposition tanks.

As you complete the missions that are sent your way, you are given a form of “tank money,” depending on how quick and how successfully you completed the task. With the moolah gained, you have the opportunity to purchase new tanks, weapons, and any other artillery that might take your fancy. As you buy more competent tanks, the missions become harder, and vice versa, maintaining a steady learning curve.

Ultimately, your mission is to save your family, and eliminate the threat, Cassandra. Once done, the game is finished. End of story.