Warpath: Jurassic Park - PlayStation

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Viewed: 3D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Beat 'Em Up
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Black Ops Entertainment Soft. Co.: Universal
Publishers: Electronic Arts (GB/US/GB)
Released: 17 Dec 2000 (GB)
Unknown (US/GB)
Ratings: 15+


The beat-em-up genre dates back many, many years, but to a large percentage of the game-playing public, the genre only began in 1991, with the release of the Capcom classic, Street Fighter 2. After setting such a high standard, this all-time classic received a number of sequels, and hundreds of clones from other software houses. Once the genre turned 3D, beat-em-ups became significantly more advanced than their 2D counterparts. With originality now at an all-time low, the beat-em-up market can only improvise on what it already has. Warpath: Jurassic Park incorporates classic 3D fighting styles, but with the inclusion of dinosaurs as opposed to human beings.

Similar to the older title, Primal Rage, the incorporation of prehistoric beings, namely dinosaurs, allows, if nothing else, for some unique combat. Since based around Jurassic Park, the game’s fighting environments take place across some of the land mark locations taken from the Spielberg classics. Choosing a fighter should be done with consideration; you must decide between size, and agility. Should you choose T-Rex, you will have an easy ride for a large part of the game. Triceratops are trickier to master, but are ultimately more desirable with practice. Edible power ups in the form of human beings give Warpath an original touch, but other than that, it remains a simple beat-em-up.