Reactor - Atari 2600/VCS

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Reactor (Atari 2600/VCS)
Also for: Arcade
Viewed: 2D Static screen Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Parker Brothers (GB/DE/ES/FR/IT/NL/US/JP)
Released: 1982 (DE/ES/FR/IT/NL/US)
Unknown (GB/JP)


Your ship is trapped inside the heart of a nuclear reactor - a reactor whose core is rapidly approaching melt-down. As nuclear particles bombard your craft you must act quickly to blast them and destroy the reactor's control rods. If you succeed, the core will shrink. But if you don't the reactor's core expands leaving less room to manoeuvre your ship and little time to halt the melt-down! Bounce enemy particles into Bonus Chambers for extra points and outsmart the enemy with cleverly placed decoys. But you must avoid the swirling vortex or get sucked into its centre and be destroyed.
Only you can stop the approaching melt-down! Act now!

