Popeye - Colecovision

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Also for: C64, Atari 5200, Atari 400/800/XL/XE, Atari 2600/VCS, Intellivision, Videopac/Odyssey2
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Static screen Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Parker Brothers (GB/US/JP)
Released: 1983 (GB)
Unknown (US/JP)


Popeye - Colecovision Screen

Popeye - Colecovision Screen

Popeye - Colecovision Screen

Popeye - Colecovision Screen


This game for colecovision is created from the hit TV series Popeye the Sailor Man. A hit cartoon at the time and one of the few television programmes to rival the Disney mascot Mickey mouse for ratings. So generally; this game is a must. This game boasts quite an original concept; it is a platformer with a twist. This twist is: Instead of aimlessly finishing levels for points or killing enemies you have no grudge against; on Popeye you are playing for the love of your damsel Olive Oil. This is achieved by collecting hearts thrown down by her whilst trying to avoid your arch enemy Bluto.

Bluto is yet another character from the series appearing in this video game. As in the cartoon his intentions are the same: To capture Olive Oil and make her fall desperately in love with him. Its your job to avoid him and acquire the love given by Olive Oil. Once this is done the next level is reached. Another twist in this game is the world famous Popeye spinach; if this power up is collected you can clobber Bluto and take him out making the level easier.