Metal Fighter - NES

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Metal Fighter (NES)
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Color Dreams (US)
Released: 1989 (US)
Unknown (GB)


Metal Fighter for the NES is a Shoot' Em Up set in space for one player. You are the pilot of an MCS-920 and it is up to you to free the planet H17 from alien invaders. As you progress through the game, you can improve both your weapons and speed by shooting certain enemies, and collecting the power-ups that they leave behind. There are eight levels that contain many different types of aliens that will stop at nothing to halt your progress. You must defeat a huge boss at the end of each level in order to move on to the next stage.

The gameplay in Metal Fighter is certainly a plus point and should keep even the most experienced gamer amused. Controlling the MCS-920 is straightforward enough, with the 'A' button to shoot and 'B' button to jump. The graphics aren't the best example of what the NES can do, but they are quite good considering it is for an 8-Bit machine, with clear sprites and smooth action. Both the music and sound effects are terrible, so we strongly recommend turning them down (or off).

If you haven't heard of Metal Fighter, have a good root around for it because it's something of a lost gem, but please remember to wear ear plugs or hit the mute button!