Daffy Duck - Game Boy

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Also for: Game Boy Color
Viewed: Not known Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Released: Unknown (GB)


Daffy is undoubtedly a blunderer, constantly thinking up new and usually fundamentally flawed schemes to get something for nothing out of life.
This story is no exception.
His ambition to be rich and famous has led Daffy to take the advice of the ever- mischievous Bugs Bunny. Bugs, has in his own inimitable way has informed Daffy that the best way to achieve fame and the riches he desires is to go hunting for treasure. It just so happens that Bugs is about to embark on a treasure hunt himself and so he invites Daffy to join him. Daffy not being the cleverest duck in the pond falls for Bug’s plot whatever it may be, hook line and sinker.
And so they embark on a journey, a quest for hidden treasures, which can only spell mayhem for the foolhardy Daffy Duck.