Choplifter - Colecovision

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Choplifter (Colecovision)
Also for: Game Boy, Sega Master System, C64, Vic-20, Spectrum 48K, MSX, Apple II, Atari 7800, Atari 5200, Atari 400/800/XL/XE, Atari 2600/VCS
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Combat Game: Helicopter
Shoot 'Em Up
Arcade origin:Yes
Publishers: Coleco (GB/US/JP)
Released: 1984 (GB)
Unknown (US/JP)


Choplifter is a helicopter shoot 'em up with a en-genius control method to say the least. One button allows you to move the helicopter so its facing forward, back or middle. Middle is yous to blast enemie tanks and left and right are to judge which way your travelling. Although you cannot change past middle when you are in flight, this gives the impression of real helicopter controls.

The name of the game is to guide the unstable helicopter across a barren, tank filled battle field picking up stranded soldiers and taking them back to base. Points will be added for each soldier you pick up and drop off, speed and the number of tank wasted. Although points will be deducted for lives lost and soldiers killed.

News & Editorial

Choplifter Returns! Press Release

30 Nov 2011