Reviews// Killer is Dead

Posted 27 Aug 2013 14:17 by
Enemies are about as far from generic as you can get and as you slice away at them, sparks fly and silhouettes appear making combat beautiful in almost every way.

Animation is solid. Counter systems flow within breaks of combos and dodging enemy attacks can cut into combat seamlessly making Killer is Dead feel more than just a visual trick to get you on board, there’s more to it than just pretty colours.

One of the game’s biggest influences is Bayonetta and if you’re going to use other game’s ideas then you couldn’t pick a better example for a hack and slash. Build up combos and you’re treated to a more gory insta-kill attack while a last minute dodge slows things down allowing for a hyper combo.

It feels more shallow than its witch based counterpart but does enough to stand as a competent combo based fighting mechanic. Enemies are more noticeable in attack than in Lollipop Chainsaw and when you understand what the game is trying to direct you to do, you are rewarded with competent fighting game that’s as fun to play as it is to look at.

The more you work your way through the game, the more attacking options open up but it never reaches the level of complexity you hope. There are moments of edge of your seat gameplay, dodging huge enemies, shooting at snipers and countering to buy you some valuable seconds but they are few and far between.

At times the levels even feel a bit bare. You’ll run through big halls and apparent combat arenas expecting a huge stand off or ambush but are only let down when you reach the other side without encountering an obstacle.

Each level adds something new, and most interestingly you’ll never know what to expect when activating one. Sometimes they are short, sometimes longer. Some are just act as story development. This means that you’re intrigued by what the game has for you next and will make you push forward just to see the new visual effects, enemies and twist.

Most missions end with a boss fight. Some are more fun than others but they never get frustrating despite getting caught out without any revivals left.

When Mondo runs out of life you have two options. Restart for a checkpoint that are reasonably placed, or be revived by your overly enthusiastic sidekick Mika putting you right back into the battle.

Unfortunately these can’t be bought during a mission so if you make it to a boss without enough in the bank you could be left with no option but to start the whole mission over. It’s a mild frustration though as many of the early missions while you’re learning the curve, are quiet short.

One of the biggest problems during combat though is the camera. It’s completely manually controlled meaning that you’ll need to constantly adjust it when fighting, which will interrupt the combo you’re currently working on.

Outside of the main missions are a series of activities and mini games. Some work, like Scarlette’s (a sexy nurse who hides in each level) combo arenas others just feel tacked on and odd.

The easily offended might not get past the second Gigolo Mission - A mini game that sees you trying to catch glimpses of a women's cleavage in order to build up a meter, hand over a present and take them to bed. Get caught and it’s a painful end to the ‘date’.

It’s a strange addition and one that seems out of place. It adds nothing to the story but if you want to unlock all the weapons the game has to offer, you have to complete them all.

If you complete all of Scarlette’s challenges she’ll hand over her glasses and when worn in the Gigolo mini games you’ll be able to see straight through your lady friend’s clothes and onto their underwear making your lust gauge rise quicker.

I wasn’t personally offended by this addition, but it sadly didn’t effect me in any way. I felt no lust, because it was all far from erotic. No shame, because I was concentrating on my meters, and it added nothing to the character or story. It just seemed like a pointless boring mini game to attract fans of mild perversion in videogames.

Whatever Suda51 was going for with this one, he missed and as a result more people will be turned off to the game.

The bug hunt game is almost as confusing. You’re put into a level from the main missing with the objective to find all hidden bugs and destroy them as soon as you can. They’re not too hard to find due to the aim mode pointing out every possible position they could be in and there are no leader boards to keep track of you time trial and compare them to the rest of the world.

It just feels a bit empty.

Killer is Dead is a weird game. It has flashes of brilliance, followed by disappointing game design. Interesting points to make followed by strangely placed voyeurism. Fluid and tense combat followed by empty rooms.

One thing is for certain, despite its faults it’s a game that I’ll remember for a long time and although most of the characters in it are extremely unlikable, they’re just as memorable.

It’s a game that you’ll struggle to make sense of. But then again this is a developer that can be thought of in the same way.

+ Stylish
+ Fun Combat
+ Memorable

- Not as solid as others in its genre
- Has potential to offend

SPOnG Score: 7/10
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