Reviews// Max Payne 3 - The Multi Player

Posted 31 May 2012 11:05 by
Games: Max Payne 3
When entering Bullet Time your screen will slow down but rate of fire will increase slightly. Meanwhile anyone in your line of sight will slow down entirely. It's not as effective as it is in the single-player game but does offer a slight advantage.

Diving in Bullet Time though should be avoided. It's pretty useless in multiplayer unless you're diving from cover and have a quick aim. Otherwise you'll be completely exposed as you're unable to shoot while getting back onto your feet leaving yourself as an open target.

Bullet Time is only one of many 'bursts' that you have to chose from. The more you level up, the more you unlock and some of them will offer you far more of an advantage. My personal favourite increases my rate of fire and when coupled with a single shot rifle, it's devilishly deadly.

One of the most impressive elements of the single-player campaign is the presentation. It's every bit as slick in the multi-player. The kill screens are wonderful, presenting a split screen still shot of your death and your killer, along with a target indicating where you had been shot; a simple yet wonderful touch.

Within the kill-screen you're also able to mark a vendetta on whoever killed you, giving you more experience points if you manage to get your own back. This is satisfying playing against random opponents, but extremely fun when gunning against friends.

Music runs throughout each match, and Max himself offers his thoughts on the gameplay. Fun at first but it begins to grate a little especially the mood music.

The maps look absolutely stunning. Each feels unique and you'll soon start to pick out your favourites. They're littered with nooks and crannies to use as cover but are designed to avoid camping. I've never felt completely safe behind cover what with most of it being flankable and that's the way it should be.

The poorer maps can really break the game though. Rooftop Of Moderno offers the team who can make it to the elevated helipad first an almost impenetrable base. With a view over most of the map and shooting down onto heads your only hope will be grenades that will whizz past while the opponents laugh.

I'm not the only one who takes umbrage with this map as you'll soon see when it is offered up for the vote before every match. Because of this, you'll rarely play on the weaker maps and spend most of your time in the far better designed 'Tete River Docks' or 'Hoboken Alley'.

To Sum Up
At first, Max Payne 3's multiplayer may seem a little dated in terms of gameplay. It's hard to get into and with your first few hours of play being forced into Deathmatches, you might feel like not bothering.

Stick with it and you'll be treated to a great, balanced experience that will keep you coming back for more. There are enough new ideas that work to make this game stand out from the rest and it's safe to say that it's the most satisfying traditional third person multiplayer on the market.

Don't write this one off.

+ New Ideas set it apart from its competition.
+ Gang Wars is a mode that will keep you playing for a long time.
+ Visually stunning

- Character control is dated
- Time needs to be put in before you get anything out.

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Games: Max Payne 3

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