Reviews// Rabbids 3D

Posted 1 Apr 2011 15:55 by
It helps that it's a dream to control. Jumps feel natural and well tuned, as do your various attacks. Each life lost is down to user error, leaving you with confidence in the gameplay mechanics, which can make or break a game of this kind. I found it almost read my mind when it came to introducing control elements. Just as I was wondering where a jump-stamp was, the game taught me how to do it. Just as I was starting to miss a Mario-style run button, it was introduced. You start with a very bare bones run and jump gameplay mechanic and are left with a number of different ways to defeat foes and skip platforms.

What really does appeal though is the number of different ways in which you can complete each level. As you play through for the first time you'll notice a number of different directions you can chose to take. Some may find this frustrating, knowing that you're not seeing a full level by the time you reach the end. This will stick in your mind like an itch that's only relieved when you pop down every alley during your second run through.

There's also the option to play each level as a time trial, so the various different avenues that can be taken serve a real purpose as you spend your time exploring each level in the hope of finding the fastest route to shave off some seconds from your previous attempt.

The length of each level is perfect. They're short enough for you not to get bored but long enough to be substantial. Unfortunately though, they're all pretty easy. When you do finally get to some challenging stages of the game you'll have more lives to overcome it than you'll ever need, but I never felt that the point of this game was to challenge - more to refine.

Along your travels you'll start to collect a wardrobe of time period based clothing. Some can be stolen from the backs of your enemies, others are unlocked in bonus levels accessible through point collecting. Each peace of clothing can be used to dress your Rabbid in a LittleBigPlanet- inspired way and it's surprisingly fun. I keep changing from a mobster's suit to a naked cowboy who skips around levels in nothing but a Stetson and a smile.

I've also got to give a nod to the music. It features some lovely tunes that have kept me whistling along for most of the week. It's hard to remember the last time video game music stayed in my brain for so long, but this does exactly that.

There is no doubt that kids will love this. It has familiar characters, customisable clothing, a massive amount of collectables and it's not too challenging for the little blighters. But at the same time it keeps things interesting enough for the older gamers amongst us. Maybe not the ones who are looking for a complete and engaging experience, but definitely the ones who just love to blast through levels without getting frustrated with game controls and unwarranted deaths.


Rabbids 3D might not set the world alight. It's doesn't offer anything new to it's genre and visually it steps back a few years. But play past your first impressions and you'll find a fun game that'll keep you coming back for more.

Don't get me wrong though, I still hate them pesky Rabbids.

SPOnG Score: 77%
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Cfan 5 Apr 2011 12:48
How you managed to get a two page review out of a Rabbids game deserves a gold star.
elmo 5 Apr 2011 21:50

It really was a surprisingly delightful game. When it comes down in price it'll be well worth checking out.
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