You might be forgiven for thinking he dodged the question there. Which, then, does he consider to be the best? “That's a good question! I don't know if I should say anything about this! I don't know. There are a lot of different titles. But, for
Killer7 we have a lot of fans in Europe so
Killer7 is really important and they've been really supportive, so it really is an important title.”
Someone has to ask, of course, when we'll see his collaboration with EA. “It's going well," Suda answers evasively, drawing a laugh. “Don't worry, it'll come.”
At TGS? “I'm not sure. But of course, please come to [see].”
And while we're on the subject of his other games... what about the game with Hideo Kojima? “Well, Kojima-san is a very busy man and I've also become pretty busy recently. So, I think that can happen maybe when Kojima-san is 55 and I'm 50. Kojima-san has become a top creator in the world, and so it's really hard for even a Japanese developer to collaborate with him. He's really that big.”
It's suggested that maybe it should be Kojima-san saying that about Suda. He answers. It's difficult to say whether the translator looks embarrassed, amused, horrified or all of the above. Still, she relates his answer. "No, no I'm horrible, actually, because I have to shit in my pants like, every week." In case the humour hasn't jumped the boundaries of language too well, we're quietly assured that he's kidding.
Coming back around to the subject at hand, Suda is asked whether he's excited to be working in the digital realm. “As far as downloadable games goes, it gives younger creators a chance to create games as well. I think they create good opportunities for other creators such as Akira Yamota who was the director for
Silent Hill will be able to get the chance for them to create games as well. So, yeah, I am excited about this.”
Collaboration seems to be the name of the game right now. Is Suda looking for other creators to work with? “Yeah, of course. Even in Japan there are a lot of independant creators or artists, so I may not be able to support everyone, but at least I want to be able to create a place where people can gather around and really create something together.
“Nowadays, everyone can create games and everyone has the environment and settings to create videogames - like this time in Hungary. And I'm sure there are places where they can create games even in Czech or Romania, so to collaborate with these people--I think Grasshopper is really suitable for that.
“Our staff number is now 120. We have 20 staff members from all over the world, so this is really a good place to collaborate with different people. So during the world cup it was chaos. Everyone was fighting!”
Keeping with the international theme, are there any Western developers or games Suda particularly admires?
Another World creator." We collectively rummage around for his name before we land on Eric Chahi, who is now working on
From Dust, a download title.

Killer 7
"Criterion Games," he adds. "Alex Ward (the creative director there)." Why Criterion and Alex? "I love
Burnout, it's really the Number 1 game in the world. Very exciting game. "Alex, and of course art director Craig Sullivan." The suggestion of a collaboration is made and Suda grins enthusiastically. "That would be great. I want to create a
Burnout ourselves! But I think they're working on
Need for Speed now... I'm actually looking forward to playing
Need for Speed."
Sine Mora is out in... the future. Rest assured, we'll get more details to you as they become available.