Reviews// Nintendo DSiXL

Posted 13 Apr 2010 17:09 by
Now, let’s look on the bright side. When you open the box, you’ll notice that the XL is a pretty gorgeous piece of kit. It’s marginally larger than the original DS, although it dwarfs the Lite and regular DSi models. It’s also the heaviest model of the whole line, but the increased size meant I found it balanced out well – ergonomically I found it absolutely fine, with no hand cramping even after some excessive Pokemon adventuring.

The screens are, in a word, 'Stunning'. Over a third larger than previous iterations, they’re big and bright and make using the XL a joy. While some games do appear a bit pixellated on these larger screens, I’ve got to say that the trade-off for a larger size is worth it. Later games will address the slight issue of resolution, but it really is no big deal. Titles like Ouendan and Scribblenauts, which really need you to be able to see the whole screen, are improved massively. The larger styli (one stylus is built in to the unit, the other the size of a ballpoint pen is a 'standalone') are a great help too.

The reactions of others to the DSi XL have been interesting. Adults I’ve spoken to have really liked the look of the unit, and the appeal of having notably larger screens has come up a few times.

Show the XL to your average child though and you’ll get a very different response. I’ve been told it’s far too big to use for games that rely on the D-pad and buttons when holding it. However, using the unit on a flat surface is great. The youngsters also thought the touch interface was much improved, simply because its larger size meant things on the screen were easier to hit.

After a few sessions on Ouendan, I’m inclined to agree – it’s so much easier when you can actually see more of the screen. If you had an issue with holding any of the other versions of the DS, the XL is the one for you; the increased size really helps. Even playing older (and slightly less pretty) titles is much improved.

Some sections of the press (along with a very vocal minority on various forums) have dismissed the XL as a money-grabber, just another model of an already well-milked cash-cow. News that the 3DS may well be released by the end of 2010 didn’t help with the braying hordes either.

Seriously, if you don’t have a DS, this is the best model to go for. All the function of the DSi in a well designed, updated form. I don’t think it’s going to sell as well as Nintendo hopes, and it may be a little large to be regarded as a true portable gaming device, but it’s bloody brilliant. Good things don’t always come in small packages.
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