Previews// Rogue Warrior

These typically revolve around Dick...

Posted 27 Apr 2009 17:52 by
Games: Rogue Warrior
In the game-play I was privy to, Infiltration was first up. Dick snuck around, giving Aaron Guy – another senior producer at Rebellion and the man with the 360 controller in his hand – the opportunity to show off some of the kill moves. These typically revolve around Dick, an unsuspecting enemy and a really brutal (and effective) knife attack. (What with Velvet Assassin on the horizon as well, knives are growing in popularity in gaming. We can't wait for the outcry).

Back to Dick. There's a range of such kills to be perfected, however, including options to steal a foe's weapon and, once they're down, give their head a good, hard stomp.

The environment also comes into play. Shooting out a light is an easy way to disorient an enemy before delivering a kill. An even better way to do it is take out a fuse box and plunge the entire building (a warehouse, in this case) into darkness, switching to night vision as you do it.

The opposing soldiers, however, have a vague idea of what's going on. As will happen in pretty much all of the missions, things go south. Dick is left to shoot his way out of the situation, with combat getting pretty frenetic as the obligatory oil drums go BOOM.

Problem is, Dick's back outside and can see that the missile train is starting to move. He shoots his way over to the front carriage and manages to uncouple it. But he's still surrounded by enemies, so how the feck (there are a lot of cuss words) is Dick going to sort this out? Fortunately, while no plan survives contact with the enemy (that's a Dick-ism) Marcinko has an ace up his sleeve. Dick's ace is plenty of C4 set up along the bridge. With the push of a button, Dick blows the load and it becomes a raging fireball.

Rogue Warrior will, I was informed, feature a 16-player online mode. Team deathmatch and regular deathmatch are both confirmed, with the top player getting to wear the “Dickskin” (Guy's word, not mine). Alas, there will be no co-op – the focus is squarely on Dick.

While Dick makes a strong lead, I can't help but feel that the proof of whether Rogue Warrior can differentiate itself from the competition will be in the playing. It was visually solid, if un-inspiring (although, as I said, this is a pre-alpha build) and the anti-terror theme has been well-trodden. What I've seen so far shows promise, if it didn't quite set my real world on fire (it set the game world on fire more than adequately).

Following the demo, I sat down with Sean Griffiths to find out more. You can see the interview here.
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Games: Rogue Warrior

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