Reviews// House of the Dead: Overkill

Chaining your kills into combos gets you more points...

Posted 10 Feb 2009 16:00 by
As you progress through the game, you can upgrade your arsenal between levels by visiting the gun shop. Buying guns costs dollars, and you get dollars by converting your points, which you earn during the course of the level. Shooting zombies gets you points. Chaining your kills into combos gets you more points, doing it consistently gets you a Goregasm (see what they did there!?) where each kill racks up 1,000 points!

In the gun shop, you can either improve the performance of your current weapon (the cheaper option) or purchase a new one. You can equip two weapons and swap between the two using the '1' or '2' buttons.

If you die, which you do by getting your health meter down to zero, you get the option to buy back in for half your collected credits - which makes dying towards the end of a level more of a penalty than dying earlier.

There are health pick-ups, but you'll have to react fast to get them because the on-rails system whips your point of view past them in double quick time. The same is true of the other pick ups: Golden Brains (score bonus), grenades (self explanatory) and Slow Mo-Fo mode. This last pick up slows down the action, giving you time to aim for head shots. But your own reloading takes longer too, so the benefit is somewhat diminished.

The bosses are quite easy to beat once you work out the correct strategy - which is usually no great struggle. The boss-level intro screen identifies their vulnerable points, and it's simply a case of hitting these while the on-rails movement keeps you relatively safe from danger. The hardest boss, to my mind, was the screamer, and she is encountered fairly early in the game.

The real key to the game is simultaneous two-player mode. It's both more fun and easier to complete the HoTD:O when someone is helping you cut down the zombies. But once you've completed it, there's always the Director's Cut mode, which has more zombies. And once you've completed it in that mode, you can play it in two-handed single-player mode, with a controller in each hand giving you twice the fire power.

SPOnG score: 78%
House of the Dead: Overkill is rollicking good fun. As all House of the Dead games have been. But it's hardly pushing the boundaries graphically. It brings enough new features to the series to keep old hands interested, and it's enough fun to convince ingénues. Despite its quirky humour and compelling packaging, it's too short and too frustratingly imprecise to warrant classic game status. But it's too much fun for any fan of the genre to ignore.
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Kyle 11 Feb 2009 00:29
"...hardly pushing the boundaries graphically."


What? Have you seen this game? It has one of the most unique graphic styles I've seen in a long time. I don't know what game you were playing because this game has great graphics.
Smelly 11 Feb 2009 19:25
""...hardly pushing the boundaries graphically.""

.. yet again a reviewer who knows nothing about what he's talking about... yay!
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DoctorDee 12 Feb 2009 07:59
Smelly wrote:
""...hardly pushing the boundaries graphically.""

.. yet again a reviewer who knows nothing about what he's talking about... yay!

OK, in response to this cutting criticism from two anonymous posters who can't even quote properly.

I'm sorry that I said something less than positive abotu the games console you sleep with every night.

Don't confuse stylish art direction and a lot of blood with good graphics. The game looks good, but it does so without being technically excellent. Some of the character models are rough, some of the textures are bland and the frame rate drops noticably in places.

It is only right for a reviewer to acknowledge this, but given that the reviewer has said many many times in print and on the web, that graphics are far from the be all and end all of gaming, it's hardly a damning criticism. The art direction of HotD:O is stylish and witty. There is bucketloads of gore and blood. It's a fun game.

If you want to imagine that Overkill has cutting edge graphics, be my guest. Just don't look at Killzone 2, or since you are bound to cry "That's not a Wii game", The Conduit and you will be able to keep fooling yourself.

dh 14 Feb 2009 12:05
DoctorDee wrote:
Smelly wrote:
""...hardly pushing the boundaries graphically.""

.. yet again a reviewer who knows nothing about what he's talking about... yay!

OK, in response to this cutting criticism from two anonymous posters who can't even quote properly.

I'm sorry that I said something less than positive abotu the games console you sleep with every night.

Don't confuse stylish art direction and a lot of blood with good graphics. The game looks good, but it does so without being technically excellent. Some of the character models are rough, some of the textures are bland and the frame rate drops noticably in places.

Sleep with the console? Oh I see?
Perhaps you shouldn't write responses before checking them for typo's?

Firstly, art direction should be confused with "good graphics" as that is a component of what makes them 'good'. Secondly you said the game "looks good" - so how can it not have "good graphics"?.

The game supports a grain filter and has motion blurring (not mentioned) and does feature good graphics for the Wii. No it's not Killzone 2, but only somebody who was really trying to make a point would try and compare the best looking game on the PS3 with one on the Wii. Very badly written article.
Moop 14 Feb 2009 12:58
dh wrote:
Firstly, art direction should be confused with "good graphics" as that is a component of what makes them 'good'. Secondly you said the game "looks good" - so how can it not have "good graphics"?.

hah lol. graphics is the techincal realisation an artistic style so it entirely possible for a game to have s**t graphics but still look good. liek viewiful joe. I thought the style was great but the graphcis were roughroughrough. its a bit like building an gothic cathedral out of cinder block ... looks great from afar because the architect did an astounding great job, but doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

The game supports a grain filter and has motion blurring (not mentioned) and does feature good graphics for the Wii. No it's not Killzone 2, but only somebody who was really trying to make a point would try and compare the best looking game on the PS3 with one on the Wii. Very badly written article.

hah lol x2. silent hill on PS1 had film grain. and I'm pretty certain there were some ps1 games that had motion blur. silent hill had great graphics for the hardware at the time, but today it looks s**t. So the guy said the graphics aint good but the "Look" is. what exactly is your beef?
DoctorDee 16 Feb 2009 11:03
dh wrote:
Perhaps you shouldn't write responses before checking them for typo's?

For typo's what?

Very badly written article.

If you think you can do better. Feel free to submit something.

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