Reviews// Patapon (PSP)


Posted 25 Feb 2008 18:00 by
Let's get this out of the way first; Patapon is an innovative game that blends more genres than I've ever seen in one game before. As far as I can tell, it's an action adventure rhythm-based RTS god game with RPG elements. Those genres fit together to make one of the strangest, most compelling and frustrating games I've played in a long, long time.

First some story to set the scene. The Patapon people used to be a tribe of fierce warriors led by their god, 'Almighty'. It commanded them using mighty war drums to communicate the best way to approach each battle. However, Almighty abandoned them and they have degenerated into a tribe of push-overs who have been relegated to bottom of the heap by their long-time enemies the Zigaton tribe. You play the game as the returning Almighty. You must lead the Patapon back to glory and take them all the way to Earthend to look upon IT.

IT is apparently a sacred relic of some sort, but the Patapon have forgotten exactly what it is, they just know they have to see it.

So far, so standard. It's a 'lead the people to reclaim their lands and engage in a holy quest' action adventure plot line. Well, here's where the genre-bending comes in. To lead your Patapon army, you must learn to play the war drums.

Each command you can give the warriors under your control is represented by a different four-beat tune played on the drums. Each drum makes a different noise - Pata, Pon, Chaka and Don - and they are mapped to the four face buttons of the PSP. You must bang these drums in time to the beat of the music that plays during each engagement; you must also wait for the Patapon to sing the tune back to you before you can start a new tune.

The more commands you issue in time with the beat and without leaving a gap in the song, the more frenzied your Patapon will get until they enter fever mode, when they will be faster, stronger and more aggressive.

Choosing which command to issue at which point in the song is of utmost importance. If you tell the army to attack when a stronger foe is advancing, your forces will take damage. Fail to pursue a weakened enemy and it will be able to regroup with reinforcements and make your task harder later in the level.

As you progress through the game the Patapon army will collect the spoils of war. Weapons and armour from fallen foes are added to the armoury and can be used to equip your warriors. Drums and songs must be collected to enable you to command your army. Miracles can be found to aid your warriors in battle.

Most importantly though, you must collect the memories of ancient Patapon warriors to enable you to create more troops at the Patapon's tree of life. You'll also need a sacrifice of supplies and Ka-ching - a sort of spiritual currency - in order to create your troops.
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