Interviews// Bladestorm: Akihiro Suzuki

Posted 7 Nov 2007 17:33 by
SPOnG: Are there any plans for downloadable content?

Akihiro Suzuki: Not for this title I’m afraid, no. I would like to explore it in a future game perhaps. But I will only really use a console’s feature if I find there is a worthy application for it; so it will depend on the project.

SPOnG: What were the most rewarding things about developing Bladestorm, and what was your greatest challenge in creating this title?

Akihiro Suzuki: As is always the case when you’re developing for new hardware and a new generation of consoles, there are many new programming and production hurdles to overcome to make your game run as fast and as well as it can, and that was perhaps the most challenging thing we faced.

On another side of things, it was quite difficult to ensure that we could get a lot of interest in Bladestorm as it is a brand new IP and original works tend to have a hard time getting noticed in the mainstream. Due to the response we’ve had lately though, I’d say we’ve done a good job in getting Bladestorm out there and we’re very pleased with the fact that a lot of gamers know about it.

SPOnG: Finally, what games other than your own are you looking forward to most over the next few months?

Akihiro Suzuki: Assassin’s Creed in particular is something I would like to have a look at.

SPOnG: Suzuki-san, thank you very much for your time.

Akihiro Suzuki: My pleasure, thank you.
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