Previews// Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway have the added pressure of keeping yourself alive in battle.

Posted 30 May 2007 16:46 by
Antal’s claims are backed up by the ten minutes-or-so of demo I was shown during a Ubisoft press conference in Paris. Graphics are pretty faultless, with meticulous attention to detail in terms of uniforms and kit of the era; while the sound conveys the confusion of the battlefield in brutal style.

The environments are rich in detail too, with the Dutch town of Zon stunningly recreated in the demo. Unlike in previous generation games of the series, such as The Road to Hill 30 and Earned in Blood, the scenery can now be blown to bits at will, giving more options when engaging snipers and enemy soldiers in cover.

The controls seem to have been well thought out if the ease with which Antal and Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford were playing the game is anything to go by.

The gameplay revolves around leading a squad into battle, issuing them with basic commands to run, suppress and engage enemy troops while attempting to dodge a hail of unfriendly fire. Your soldiers are moved via a simple interface not too dissimilar to that used in THQ’s Full Spectrum Warrior, although Brothers in Arms is far less ponderous and more intense than its strategy-heavy cousin, and you have the added pressure of keeping yourself alive in battle.

Antal is certainly keenly aware of his responsibility, and has a refreshing honesty about how he feels games of the genre should be made. “Accuracy is very important if you are going to make something set in World War II,” he said.

“You have to do it right and go out visit the battlefields and talk to the veterans who were there. Ultimately we are not making Halo with different weapons – of course you play a game for fun, but it can also be a rewarding experience.”

Despite WWII fatigue, the cream rises to the surface and Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway looks a sound contender with an emphasis on tactics rather than suicidal first-person action. It is also backed up by a firm grounding in history and decent research. The title should be a winner if the finished product is as good as the demo. The game is being developed for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC and breaks cover in November.
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ilh 30 May 2007 18:53
To say BiA is about historical accuracy I sure hope that 88 doesn't fire as they had to be deployed off the wheels first.
config 2 Jun 2007 09:04
in plain English, please :)

What's an 88, and what is deploying "off the wheels"?

(I assume it's some sort of heavy weapon that's transported on the back of a Jeep, but I could be well wide of the mark)

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Ferris Fairbairn 4 Jun 2007 08:36
config wrote:
in plain English, please :)

What's an 88, and what is deploying "off the wheels"?

(I assume it's some sort of heavy weapon that's transported on the back of a Jeep, but I could be well wide of the mark)

An 88 is an anti aircrft gun that is normaly maned by 4-5 people. he said off the wheel because it get transpoted by truck or whatever and need the wheels taken of then pind into the ground when needed to fire.

My xbox live account is Fez127
Tom 5 Jun 2007 19:10
This is going to be a fecking brilliant game, but it's got lost to the bottom of the pile in the PS3 launch, and the one of that other console, ummm, what's it called?
Anyway, there's a preview demonstration video somewhere on the internet of the guy in a toyshop in somewhere, and then he gets blown up with the rest of his squad, but it's like watching a film. I'm buying this when it comes to PS3.
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