Interviews// Raj Joshi, Producer, Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

We leverage the Xbox Live Vision Cam

Posted 16 Mar 2007 13:06 by
SPOnG: I also noticed that there’s a deluxe ‘Kane’ edition of the game being made available for PC, will 360 gamers get something similar?

Raj Joshi: Yeah, all that same content will be made available through Xbox Live for console users – so extra multiplayer missions, new themes, skins and so on.

SPOnG: One interesting aspect of the PC version of the game is this aspect of the ‘RTS as sport’ – particularly the fact that you have this ‘spectator client’ – so you can watch others’ games.

Raj Joshi: Yeah, that’s something specific to the PC version, though with the 360 version we do include a spectator client, as far as you have to own the game, but you can view matches. What we don’t have is the same matchmaking systems and so on. But we do leverage everything that Xbox Live has to offer – which is very robust in terms of its matchmaking capabilities, stat-tracking and things of that nature. You get the same general experience – just not the ability to watch replays or to schedule matches in the future that you get on the PC.

SPOnG: One big thing with the 360 version is that you are pretty much trying to create a new console genre – you are deliberately setting out to bring the RTS genre to ‘the masses’ – what are the other main differences between the PC and the 360 versions?

Raj Joshi: Well, the interface and the Xbox controller obviously. That’s something that all console players are very well versed in, so this version of the game is completely tailored to try to make it easy for people who are not used to RTS in general to access the controls and quickly familiarise themselves with the core compulsions of the game. But also, at the same time, for the seasoned user to be able to delve in and get the same depth they are used to on the PC.

Other key differences… we have four extra multiplayer modes that the PC doesn’t have – King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Capture and Hold and a Siege mode which is specifically tailored to new users, where there is an energy field built up around opponents for up to ten minutes, so you can build up your base and get your forces going before anybody is actually able to attack you.

The multiplayer modes are really tailored to appeal to gamers who are used to first person shooter multiplayer games – this helps us to bring console players over to RTS as a genre, because it is completely new to many of them.

The other thing that we leverage is using the Xbox Live Vision Cam, so you now actually get to see the people you are playing with. So, you know, strategy games really came from board games originally – where you were sitting across from your opponent and you can see their body language and gauge their reactions to get a feel for how they are feeling and what they are thinking. This is really a return to that. So now, if you are playing three opponents online then you get to see their images – it’s an interesting sociological experiment in itself!

SPOnG: Quite a step up from playing Uno on Live!?

Raj Joshi: [laughs]Absolutely! That’s a somewhat limited game. Now, as you are decimating your opponent’s base, you get to see their reaction. Or as they are killing you, you get to see the joy on their faces! And then at the end of the game we have what we call The Winners’ Circle where the winner has the largest window on the screen and then your three opponents are below you in smaller windows. So, it’s a bit of a gloating period to rub it in!
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Joji 19 Mar 2007 13:37
Sounds good enough to eat. I'm sure this'll be another 360 hit.

Hey, you guys should have asked them about a possible C&C for DS. The original version I mean. Can you do this for us, please?
zoydwheeler 19 Mar 2007 13:45
i just asked them, so watch this space;)
Joji 21 Mar 2007 13:41
Cheers for that Zoyd, you are a star. Loads of people want it on DS, so its not like it won't shift copies.
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