The splendid control system is the reason why, if you are a fan of Madden or even a casual American Football fan, you are going to lap up this new Wii version of the game.
However, if, like this reviewer, you are a tad unclear as to the rules of ‘Mercan Football, then there is a slight problem when you move on to play a full game. The problem being that it’s a mind-bogglingly intricate and strategic game, which is going to take some time to learn how to play. The numerous on-screen menus for choosing your offensive or defensive play, not to mention the ticking clock pressing you to decide on your play or face a stiff penalty, just lead to a not entirely fun sensation of confusion and panic. Why, for example, would one choose to make a short pass instead of a long pass - if the idea is to get the ball as far up the field as possible, ideally into the Touch Down (TD) zone? And what the devil is an inside run, for that matter?

And while it’s clearly unfair to judge a sports game from the point of view of not understanding the rules of the sport itself, it’s still a valid point that needs to be made, as I suspect that the game is still a ‘minority sport’ in the UK, hence will not be well understood by many, if not most UK gamers. All is not lost though. Just at the point where the game was becoming more perplexing than fun, one member of our small team of eager-to-learn, baffled Brits gathered around the Wii noticed that there were three minigames on offer, exclusive to this Wii version. These basically made the game for us.

The first is a simplified and hugely fun kicking game (in which one player kicks and the other three drum their controllers to affect the wind); next is a 2-on-2 featuring the basic set-up of QB, receiver, and two defensemen and, last but no way least, is a game called YAC (standing for ‘yards after catch’) which seemed to involve having all the fun of the actual game itself (scoring points for successful throws and catches in offense, or swats and interceptions in defense) without all the mucky-muck of having to bother with the confusing strategy and tactics.
Indeed, if it weren’t for these three minigames, one would be hard pressed to recommend
Madden to anyone without at least a passing interest in American Football. As it is, it’s worth shelling out for the game purely for these fun, arm-flailing party games, even if you have no intention of learning the proper rules of the sport (as I don’t).
SPOnG Score: C
Madden NFL 07 is, SPOnG is happy to report, a hugely fun sports game for the Wii, with a good deal of care having gone into developing a unique control system, which is bound to appeal to both hardcore fans of the sport as well as more casual gamers. Even those with a threadbare knowledge of the rules of ‘Mercan Football, such as our bunch of game-testers here, will find plenty to keep themselves amused with for some time to come with Madden on Wii. And you never know, it might actually manage to teach a few more of us Brits about the intricacies of the game itself. But if not, there’s plenty of fun to be had just mucking about with mates.