Features// E3 2006 Video

Hanging around

Posted 10 May 2006 23:59 by
This year, SPOnG took our new toy to E3, a shiny (OK, matt black) tiny little Samsung SC-X210L video camera. And we decided to put it to good use by asking the assembled masses what they thought of the show.

It was the morning of the first day, so many people had not really had chance to see much, or even anything, inside the halls yet - so our questions were more about what they were looking forwards to. Tomorrow, as the show draws to a close, we'll be asking them what they saw, and what they liked (and disliked) at the show.

We tried, at first, to avoid interviewing people who had a vested interest in any given game or platform... but it is a trade show, so that only left us with other journalists, and they just sneered and laughed when we asked them to be on a rival website.

A fair number of the people we approached were simply too busy to talk to us, dashing as they were between meetings. And some of the rest could not speak English well enough to conduct an interview on camera... this is a global show, after all.

Another interesting thing we realised was that, although E3 is rammed with hot chicks... almost all of them are booth babes, and don't actually play games. The other girls we asked almost without exception, turned us down. Perhaps worried about not looking their best on camera, or just cowed into not daring to express an opinion in what is traditionally seen as a male preserve.

By far the hottest babe at E3 was our presenter, Erica. And she plays video games too, and she's smart... but we couldn't interview her!

Finally, if you watch the video, you'll see and hear the words of Kevin Staab, one of the greatest skateboarders ever. And one of my personal heroes. He was at the show pimping Tony Hawks Downhill, but he took the time to chat to us, and for that we thank him. As do we everyone who spent time with us.

Watch the video...

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king skins 12 May 2006 12:07
SPOnG TV? :)

She is very hot, and a definite smash.
owarrak 15 May 2006 18:35
So hang on, spong goes all the way to E3 and instead of filming the actual event asks a load of nobodies their opinion on stuff. hmmm good one spong!
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