Reviews// GripShift (PSP)

Posted 29 Nov 2005 08:00 by
Games: Gripshift
The racing levels are more like Stunt Car Racer (how difficult it is, even 15 years later, not to type the altogether more x-rated spoonerism), from the C64/Amiga era, crossed with Mario Kart or Wipeout - due to the addition of weapons. The opponent AI is quite good, with the other driver occasionally making a mistake and losing the racing line. These levels also have medals to earn and stars to collect on your way around, but you do need to finish in order to collect the credits.

In addition to the main challenge mode, there are mini-games, two player races and a huge playground bowl to attract your attention. The mini-games involve the usual array of pool, bowling and football games, but also have novelties like death match, snaker and reverse tag. Most games can be played in single or multi-player modes, with different rules for each, adding to the replay value.

Speaking of replay value, the game also includes a track editor where you can build your own fiendish courses and share them over the PSP's wi-fi network. The editor works in an easy to understand "laying down the next piece" sort of way. However the power is there to place all of the elements found in the main game's tracks. A welcome feature indeed that will hopefully see beat my track competitions in the playground.

Graphically, GripShift is fun and friendly looking with a cartoon styling that stops short of cell-shading but still exudes a playfulness that stops you worrying too much that your driver has just fallen to his or her doom from an impossible height. The game has a PEGI rating of 3+ that reflects this playful attitude. The sense of fun carries on into the soundtrack which has a bouncy feel to it, even if it dabbles with hip-hop stylings, there is nothing there to take offence at. Even the sound effects have a "bo-iiiiiiing" type quality to them.

GripShift is a strangely addictive game. Not maddeningly addictive like Lumines or life-consuming like World of Warcraft, but addictive in a fun way. The game has the "one more go" factor and, unlike many PSP games, can be played in short bursts, perfect for hand held gaming on the move.

The main faults of the game are ones of frustration that are common to most puzzle games. The time limits are very tight, the levels sometimes take several attempts to determine exactly what you are trying to do and you very often find yourself falling victim to your own lack of skill and plunging out of the level. The game also has a troubling habit of claiming that a Memory Stick has only just been put into the system, despite it having not been taken out in months, and requiring you to choose a profile to auto-save to, again.


Minor faults and niggles aside, GripShift is a welcome addition to the PSP's slowly growing library of games. It has the pick up and play factor, load times aren't too bad and it's just plain fun, an element sadly lacking in many games these days.
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Games: Gripshift

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config 29 Nov 2005 09:53
I complete agree. I only gave the game a quick half hour, but I was truly smitten. Rehashing Stunt Car Racer would have been the lazy option, so choosing to add an integral puzzle element really does make for quick, easy and extremely addictive one-more-go game.

At last there's another game to add to my "magic three" game threshold; just one more to go - the PSP is looking very tempting.
DoctorDee 29 Nov 2005 11:37
config wrote:
At last there's another game to add to my "magic three" game threshold; just one more to go - the PSP is looking very tempting.

If I could get a white one, I'd buy one tomorrow (or today, even).
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kid_77 29 Nov 2005 16:22
It sounds good, but I've already bought THREE FSCKING RACING GAMES for my PSP - four if you include GTA... which you wouldn't... unless you were a cnut.

All I want is an RPG *weeps*
config 29 Nov 2005 17:23
Aye, but it would be wrong to simply bundle this under the banner "racing game". It really is a different experience than your regular racer.
marmaduke 29 Nov 2005 18:08
So... basically Trackmania on the PSP then?
MarioW 30 Nov 2005 13:43
Although GripShift has elements of Trackmania and "racing" games, it real is a game distinct unto itself. Kind of hard to describe, but the "Super Monkey Ball in cars" reference in the review is pretty apt.

If you want to find out more about the game, the official website is at which includes a downloadable trailer optimized for playback on PSP.

Its also retailing for less than 20 quid in the UK which makes it pretty good value in my humble (and biased) opinion.
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