As Oddworld Inhabitants evolves into something more than simply a games studio, what have been the highs and lows over the past decade or so. And what does the future hold?
"Man, how to answer a question like that after ten years. Each year has had its highs and lows. It's always a high to complete a project and see fans love it. Recently, the completion of Stranger's Wrath was a high, the fan base reaction was a high, the promotional reality of the game was a low," explains Lanning. "Life goes on. It's an interesting time and a lot of changes will be coming to the game business over the next five years. There will be fewer independent developers and fewer publishers as we witness increasing budgets and continued consolidation, which will indirectly lead to an increasing number of parties interested in finding and exploring new development and financing models."
SPOnG would like to Lorne Lanning for taking the time to answer our serious questions above, as well as the not so serious questions that follow:
What car do you drive?
A 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee and a 2001 BMW 740 IL - both bought off of EBay when each was 2 years old.
What was your first car?
a 1969 Ford Falcon. It was an ugly yellow and a total stinker, but it got me around.
How old is your oldest pair of underpants?
Sadly, at least 6 years.
When the munchies strike, where are drawn towards?
Cows or sheep?
Cows, definitely.
Do you kill spiders?
Okay, you'll think I'm a wimp for this, but I actually catch them live and toss them outside.
Have you ever been drinking with J Allard?
Actually, I have, but only in Alan Yu's suite at GDC.
Who in the industry inspires you?
Peter Molyneux, Will Wright, Jason Rubin and my partner Sherry McKenna.... to name a few.
When were you last in a fight, if ever?
Must have been college, but I think I was too wasted to remember.
What's your pet peeve?
Misreprentative press reports!
Oddworld Inhabitants is expected to announce at least some details relating to its future plans within the next six months. Given that OI owns all of the IP it has developed around, SPOnG is more than confident we’ll be seeing a return to Oddworld, in some from or another in the not-too distant future. Stay tuned.