If somehow you’re reading all this and still thinking “Ooh, that’s a must-have” then we’ll try and offer some comfort: mostly out of a sense of pity. There is fun to be had playing this, particularly in multiplayer against other people who don’t really ‘get’ American football; and the mix of action and strategy is intrinsically well-balanced. If you think it’s a boring sport, however, this won’t change your mind: even if it is a more lively game than its more serious simulation counterparts. In single player mode, there are three main options: NFL Challenge and NFL Gauntlet pit you against real NFL teams, and the ‘own the city’ mode takes your team through more of a story. All these options are long-lasting and fairly substantial: but really, they’re still only concerned with basic games of 'football'. Regardless of what customisation options may come between each match, it is still just a string of matches. Going to a shop and buying a new virtual T-Shirt won’t make you forget that any prolonged one player game will still involve playing one match, then another and another and another.
The single good thing we can say about the new NFL Street is that it has some mini-games in it. That’s a splendid idea which could have reinforced the multiplayer appeal and broken up the necessarily repetitive gameplay. But, surprise, surprise, these are disappointingly lame and are unlikely to be played, somewhat begrudgingly, more than a few times each. After all, how much fun can a proper person have by playing a virtual game of catch? Perhaps we’ll see some better ideas for the mini-games when NFL Street 5 gets released next Tuesday… Until then, we're back on our strictly Pro Evo football diet.
SPOnG Rating: D
EA has surpassed itself this time. This is the most obviously contrived cash-in of recent months and it offers nothing, except online play, to make it significantly different from its passable prequel. It’s an OK game, just like it was a year ago, but it’s nothing new or more: which means that its full price tag is a clear disgrace. If you like the sound of a Street NFL game, go and get the original. Only if you really loved that and literally have money to burn should you even look in the same direction as NFL Street 2.