Reviews// Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within

Spreading it thin

Posted 17 Dec 2004 14:32 by
For those yet to sample the delights of Ninja Gaiden, it is widely regarded as the definitive 3D hack'n'slash game. It really does represent a martial art, as the player leaps and bounds over heads and from walls, slashing and stabbing in a beautifully-choreographed way. And because Sands of Time already had a similarly stylish platform base to it, with no shortage of acrobatic leaping and bounding, enhancing the combat was a logical thing to do. However, in itself, it doesn't add as much to the gameplay as hoped. There's still a lot of puzzling to do, and this breaks up the quick-fire action needed to make a combat-heavy game exciting. Adversely, the puzzle sections occasionally feel a little crowded by the fighting. So the end result is that Warrior Within is quite a stop-start experience and so feels less slick than it should. In trying to be a Prince of Persia of all trades, it has become a master of none; which is a massive shame, because it comes extremely close.

Fundamentally, most people will enjoy Prince of Persia: Warrior Within as a great video-game. And taken in isolation it is just that. The player is presented with an expansive environment - The Castle of Time - which can be traversed by working out some thoughtful puzzles, and although that does involve a considerable amount of to-ing and fro-ing, the gorgeous backdrops make exploration something you’ll want to do. And even though the combat isn’t perfect, it’s still considerably more impressive than the average. If you threw Sands of Time, Metroid Prime 2 and Ninja Gaiden into a big pot, you’d get something along these lines. For PS2 only gamers especially, Warrior Within therefore holds a rather special appeal. It takes a great game and adds influences from two of the Gamecube and Xbox’s greatest games this year into the mix. So, if you only buy a few games a year, Warrior Within represent a superb choice - as it now offers a more diverse range of experiences. Indeed, the Xbox’s general lack of decent platformers and the Gamecube’s recent lack of good third party titles also work greatly in the game’s favour.

It still retains much of what made the last PoP game so good, and as far as ‘mature’ type platform games, this is clearly one of the best examples available today. The platforming itself is executed superbly: running along walls and leaping over chasms is hugely satisfying and it just *works* better than most platform games seem to. And like the prequel, the ability to re-wind time in order to rectify an error helps fend off the frustration factor often associated with more demanding platform games. But those features haven’t really been enhanced, they’ve just been repeated. So again, we’d recommend trying the original first: it does the same thing with considerably more personality.
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SPInGSPOnG 17 Dec 2004 14:49
I haven't played PoP, though I've been meaning to since it came out. And reading this review makes me want to even more. But the PoP -> WW transition sound to me like that between Devil May Cry and DMC2.

The second game just seemed to steam in there without any introduction, in the asumption that anyone who was playing it had been waiting with the CD tray extended hungrily since they finished the first installment.

Thing is, where Prince of Persia is concerned, this doesn't seem to have hurt sales any. The first game fell on its ass, but the new one seems to be selling well.

kid_77 17 Dec 2004 15:11
I played Sands Of Time and found it an extremely charismatic and entertaining game. The narration provided by the main character is engaging and humorous, and you genuinely care about the relationship he develops with his lady accomplice.

By all accounts the sequel has taken a backwards step. It's lost a lot of the charm of the prequel, and apparently even the game play has lost some edge.

As I haven't played it, I can't give a personal preference. But I'd definitely recommend Sand Of Time.
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Dan Dare 19 Dec 2004 23:48
no worries guys, this is still a really good game.

I admit, the atmosphere really does blow at times, a massive step back from the soft focus wonderland of sands of time but this is still worth getting for several reasons:

It's hard: so few games are challenging now this comes as a nice surprise.

the story: its about time travel! its got paradoxes! twists! yay!

Its still the wicked prince: hes still the wall jumping badboy of old and I still love the sheer magesty of watching the fella move around...

...the map: this. looks. amazing. i got the x box version and its qualitah =)

just my two cents.
Kaxxx 12 Jan 2005 14:25
I was a huge fan of Sands of Time. Ive had this title for about a week now and put about 7 hours in so far. Its a quality title and is better than 90% of games released at the moment.

Sure, its not the epic that Sands of Time was but its still a fantastic game and oozes quality in so many areas.
MST 14 Feb 2005 13:11
Was a big fan of this game. I liked the darker tone than the SoT, I felt it gave the Prince a darker edge which fleshed out his charachter a bit more and contary to the previous poster thought this created a more clostrophobic atmosphere. I especially enjoyed the beautifully realized charachter models. More specifically the female ones.

Has anyone got any links to fanservice/porn, depicting Kaileena or her sexy mate? Hard lesbian stuff would be good, but nudie drawings will suffice.

(I originally registered for the UK:R forum, but I'm just looking about at the moment)
Dork 14 Feb 2005 16:54
Rod Todd wrote:

Thing is, where Prince of Persia is concerned, this doesn't seem to have hurt sales any. The first game fell on its ass, but the new one seems to be selling well.

Personally, I wanted back the 50 cents of DVDR space that the iso took up.

MST 17 Feb 2005 07:38
Just fecking buy a game for a change and stop spending the money on f**king pies. You fat c**t.
DeepFraught 17 Feb 2005 16:11
I was round at the Ubi dev studio the other day and managed to get this sneak photo of one of the artist's rude pencil drawing of Kaileena. Camera phones are jsut great. You should see the pics of the hotties from down the gym ;-)

MST 21 Feb 2005 13:41
Cooorrrr! Is she rubbing one off there?

More of this please!!!!! RRRggggnnnngggghhhhh.
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