So, we set out to see which of these two titles had the winning edge and have somehow concluded that there is absolutely no separating the two in terms of quality. But nor is there any real need to do so. If you like platform games that embrace the eclectic notions of a broad-minded adventure game, you'll love both of these titles and should, at some point, acquire both. We wouldn't suggest following SPOnG's example of playing both at the same time though - quite apart from the incredibly irritating, yet clearly minor, difference between the control set-ups, you
can have too much of a good thing.
SPOnG Ratings:
Jak III - A
Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal - A
It’s a real pleasure to see games that have been developed with this much finesse. The creators seem to love their respective projects, and it really does show. As sequels, they both represent the best in their histories, and as extensions of larger franchises, they manage to avoid the sequels-by-numbers formula that could have so easily spoiled them. And crucially, they are both lots of fun to play! The choice between them will have to be up to you, there is no clear winner: but both Insomniac and Naughty Dog have proved themselves as masters of what they do. Feel the love!