On balance, despite the glaring shortcomings, Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude just qualifies as an enjoyable title. There’s not much else like it, and if you’re in-tune with the game’s rather peurile humour, you will be entertained by it. The more hardcore ranks of the game playing community might baulk at the prospect of such a ‘cheap’ premise for a game, but then, Magna Cum Laude isn’t really intended for them. In fact, it was almost certainly planned to sit between FIFA and GTA on the shelf of the ‘casual gamers’ personal library.
By most standard measures, Lesiure Suit Larry is an inexcusably weak game. But it has the power to make you laugh and its break from less-risky, less-risqué formulae is certainly worthy of some merit. Providing you've got some proper AAA titles to keep you busy, you might find LSL to be a worthwhile distraction.