Title | Released | Genre | Platforms |
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
Also known as [Dragon Ball Game Project Age 2011, Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi] |
2011-2013 | PS3 Blu-Ray Xbox 360 DVD |
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II
2003 | Adventure: Role Playing |
Kirikaman: Dirty Challenger
-1992 | Beat 'Em Up |
SD Riders
-1993 | Sport: Cycling |
Fist of the North Star 5
Also known as Hokuto no Ken 5 |
-1991 | Adventure: Role Playing |
Fist of the North Star 6
Also known as Hokuto no Ken 6 |
-1992 | Beat 'Em Up |
Fist of the North Star
Also known as Hokuto no Ken |
-1992 | SNES |
Fist of the North Star 7
Also known as Hokuto no Ken 7 |
Beat 'Em Up |
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
-2002 | Beat 'Em Up |
PlayStation |