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 NBC's Heroes Set for Xbox TV Resurrection?2DrkStr937Thu, Apr 18, 13 @ 16:57
 Valve Refunds Bioshocked Christian1ergo890Wed, Apr 17, 13 @ 22:45
By ergo
 Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Now Allows GamePad, Cross-Region Support1Facelord818Wed, Apr 17, 13 @ 12:06
By Facelord
 Ashes Cricket 2013 Trailer - a Huge Problem6Daz895Wed, Apr 17, 13 @ 11:21
 Notch: Pressure to Repeat Minecraft Success Causes Creative Conflict1ergo819Mon, Apr 15, 13 @ 21:37
By ergo
 Ubisoft: Open World Games Will Help Integrate Single-Player and Multiplayer1DrkStr845Mon, Apr 15, 13 @ 17:15
By DrkStr
 Crysis 3- "It’s Always Been About Graphics Driving Gameplay" says Crytek Boss1gnbi799Sat, Apr 13, 13 @ 03:10
By gnbi
 Inafune's PS Vita Soul Sacrifice Demo - Dated - It's Soon!1ergo759Fri, Apr 12, 13 @ 19:21
By ergo
 Nintendo Calls it a Day on Some Online Services1Weefz825Fri, Apr 12, 13 @ 13:25
 ASDA Begins PlayStation 4 Pre-Order Service1config832Fri, Apr 12, 13 @ 10:57
 Video Games Microtransactions Investigated for Targeting Kids' Money1config884Fri, Apr 12, 13 @ 10:06
 New Durango Rumours Backtrack on 'Always Online' Requirement1ergo896Thu, Apr 11, 13 @ 17:12
By ergo
 Capcom: Darkstalkers Resurrection Sales Disappointing1headcasephil821Thu, Apr 11, 13 @ 13:06
 EA's Peter Moore Responds to 'Worst Company in America' Poll3Ergo984Thu, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:58
By Alm
 LulzSec Hacker Pleads Guilty in Court Over Nintendo and Sony Attacks1John860Thu, Apr 11, 13 @ 10:57
By John