Topic started: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 14:42
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Wed, 7 Nov 2007 02:04
The real reason? Oh, OK: it was just to provoke this highly entertaining response from people who care more about numbers than words.

allikohcysp wrote:
Your reason for docking the game points is lame. Please tell me the real reason it didnt get 100%
adam hughes
Thu, 8 Nov 2007 08:38
Sbetsho wrote:
WTF? Taking 2% off for such a reason is honestly the most ridiculous thing I've read, ever. Unless the framerate goes below 10 for a considerably long period of time.. then I would understand.

inbred alert, inbred alert
Fri, 9 Nov 2007 17:41
I've played the game since I live in Japan for about a week now and I have about 70 stars (I'm a working even if I want to play more, real life does beckon). Of course another reason I only have 70 stars might be because the level design and control are so masterful that I once spent about an hour just jumping around this crazily shaped platform to see how many sides of the screen I could land on...I hit almost all of them and the camera didn't even sputter.

Anyhow, to answer your questions.

1) Linearity seems to be thrown out the window. You can pretty much pick up any star you want so long as you have gathered the amount needed to open a new area.

2)There are a few purple coin hunts...but they are nothing like the damned things in Sunshine. These are well done and enjoyable challenges and you are never left looking for that last damn coin without any clues. No, you can see just have to be clever enough to reach them ;)

This game deserves a 98%. I never had the framerate dip as they mentioned on my game, but I did manage to confuse the camera once (and I tried pretty hard to do it). So if 100% is perfect (which no reviewer wants to give) then that would stop it's perfection. I also give it a 98% (which means it's the best damn thing out there)
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