Nintendo DS fastest selling console ever

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Topic started: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 12:45
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Joined 8 Mar 2005
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 23:29
DoctorDee wrote:
No-one oone single person has ever said of the DS, "Damn, that's toooo fine looking, I'm not gonna get one!", nor wopuld they have, even if it were very fine looking. But it's not, it's fugly, and some people have definitely gone "F8ck that ugly turd, I'm gonna get me a PSP".

And it is those people that are the raving idiotic lunatics that tell me I can play PS2 games on my PSP. The same fruit cakes who care about nothing more than "gwaaphics". The people who think they are having fun playing watered down Tiger Woods, while I lose track of days with Mario and his blessed Kart.
majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 23:59
i for one am looking forward to the DS re-design.i can see myself getting one.although i have a custum blue fire "skin" over my DS so GAME mite not take it.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Fri, 30 Dec 2005 11:34
DoctorDee wrote:
I acknowledge that the DS is a better games playing machine, in fact right after seeing it at E3 2004, we said exactly that here on SPOnG. But for me it looks too clumsy and ugly for me to want to be seen with it while I'm on a plane or train. And the PSP's multimedia capabilities - well the ability to play movies, at least - really do make the difference.

I wouldn't be seen dead in a public place with a DS. I'm quite happy to play the GBA but not the DS.

IMO the PSP is just better. It's much more expensive, but you can play MP3s, anime etc. And Sony appears to have excellent third party support: the good games will come in time (there's still nothing killer for me on the DS either).

A redesign would help me consider the purchase of a DS, but then if Sony cut the cost of the PSP to £150, I'd definatly got for the PSP. At the moment, it's just a tad too expensive.

Again I still stick with my original prediction before the DS's release which was that it will sell well at first before being overtaken by the PSP and will end the generation far behind the Sony system.

(I find it interesing that people are going on about how innovative the Revolution is - after having a careful look, I think it could turn into a gimmik with no third party support. If Namco release a Tales game on PS3 and Capcom release Resident Evil 5, then I think I would save and buy a PS3 rather than buy a Revolution with tens of Nintendo games similar to WarioWare and Mario Party - fun for a while with no substance.)
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 30 Dec 2005 14:53
I do think that this thing about playing consoles in public is interesting. Social acceptance is wanted but at the same time, we don't really care either way what people think. It's again a stark reminder that games are viewed as just for kids when you don't play your PSP or DS in public, and that attitude will remain unless try to buck the trend. Therefore play you damn things when and where you want and need.

Nintendo and Sony made these portables to be played anywhere. Personally I don't really give a flying f**k who sees me playing my DS, be it in the cinema waiting for the damn film to start, at the post office waiting in a fat line of people or on a bus or train. I am a gamer and I'm proud to say so. People can give all the weird looks they like, but if they don't like you for being who you are they can f**k off. People will always talk and pass judgement on others whatever you do.

I'll have the same kind of attitude if I'm using my mp3 player, reading a book or that PMP I'm due to buy soon to watch my anime on the move.

Each to their own, but I'm not gonna not have fun because gaming is considered not normal or widely accepted.

Pardon my f words but it had to be said. The moment you crumble under scary looks and grumbles is the moment you might as well give up everything you are to please others, and where will that end?

Sexy console or ugly console, I didn't spend money on these machines for how they look but to have fun when I feel the need. Don't let the public haters take you down, people.
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Sat, 31 Dec 2005 00:14
I agree with Joji on his whole thing... but the whole aesthetic arguement is a hypocritical one. Gaming in public is seen as a negative thing unless your a 9 year old with a Game Boy. And as far as females go, I am willing to bet that you won't get very far into a conversation with one while holding a portable gaming device of any kind. Sure the PSP may look quite a bit better than the DS, but you are still playing video games in front of that hot chick with the mini skirt on the bus. At this point its like giving Michael Jackson botox.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sat, 31 Dec 2005 08:21
warbaby wrote:
And as far as females go, I am willing to bet that you won't get very far into a conversation with one while holding a portable gaming device of any kind.

My evidence doesn't support this. Twice while travelling on trains and playing on the PSP I've had quite attractive girls ask me about it, and several times while using it to watch movies at the gym.

I think most girls now know and accept that their boyfriends are going to ignore them in favour of video games most of the time. Some of those girls would prefer that their boyfriends did this in a stylish and aspirational manner, rather then in a way that made them look like six year olds.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Sun, 1 Jan 2006 23:49
That's right, you will get girls asking you stuff because Sony marketed the PSP to also play movies. Movies are a more accepted medium of entertainment. If you are seen watching movies on the bus or train and you'll get looks and questions. If it were music you had on the other hand it might be harder to get there attention.

As much as I like girls I'd rather talk to them elsewhere than on public transport ride (I'd make the acception for a very long journey though). Plenty of other oppurtunities will arise to chat to girls too.

There's also the angle of people travelling. Everyone is more or less in their own world till they get to where they are going unless there's someone there you know to chinwag to. And if everyone seems in their own world and place, is it so wrong to loose yourself a little in a book, mp3 player or PSP/DS.

Joined 20 May 2004
Sun, 1 Jan 2006 23:53
I'd like to add that, for the period I had my DS, I played it on the way to work a lot. The people most interested were kids, but parents also showed some interest as did general people. The problem mainly was that it's Newcastle and therefore it's full of Chavs. The students loved it.
majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Mon, 2 Jan 2006 13:49
well i play my DS on the way to uni,and nearly always u can people whisperin, "oh,thats a DS" "touchscreen" "mario kart".etc.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Mon, 2 Jan 2006 18:32
majin dboy wrote:
well i play my DS on the way to uni,and nearly always u can people whisperin, "oh,thats a DS" "touchscreen" "mario kart".etc.

I can't hear anything through my headphones ;)
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