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Topic started: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 15:16
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Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 17:41
Yo, you live in the uk cause that website is uk. What the hell does a uk gamer know about xbox an american system anyway. As for the games you mentioned, Fable, Knights of the Old Republic (I and II), Ninja Gaiden, Doom 3. Fable was a 10 hours rpg (10 hours) nothing compared to ps2's dark clouds, final fantasies, shadow hearts and star ocean's, which give 60 or more hours, those are worth 50 bucks. Fable was xbox's first real rpg since the system came out, that's sad. Knights of the old republic was good (at least the first anyway) the second was made by a different company and sucked when compared to the first. Doom 3 came out last august on pc, you xbox owners are just getting a watered down version of an old game.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 18:18
A UK gamer can know as much about the American Xbox as an American can know about the Japanese playstation. Some Americans are idiots. You quote Spong (a UK magazine) and then knock other sources because they are UK?

Doom 3 won't even be available on the other consoles because they cannot handle it. Doom 3 was developed with the Xbox in mind. I don't think it will be as watered down as you suggest.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 18:38
Oooh so mister uk know's more about xbox than the source. "Some Americans are idiots" and yet you use our products, lol lol. The only way you can find the latest info on xbox is to go to an american site. USA gets everything first you know, even japan news. As for doom 3 it will be watered down, you know why because unless the xbox is running on a geforce 6800 ultra (which was recommended for doom 3 ***n00b weblink removed*** you will not get the same visuals as a pc owner. Anyway if you look at reviews you would see that doom 3 is just a remake of doom 1 with updated visuals, no new gameplay. Anyway I was refered to spong by a friend didn't know it was uk (no wonder this site has so much bs on it) this site is like the national enquirer, not that I hate uk gamers just NecroDancer.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 19:41
You're a sad little man; a sad, sad, little man.

From it's conception, Doom 3 was slated for the Xbox and the developers were determined to make sure the game played well and true to the PC game. We’ll have to wait and see how successful they were as the game doesn’t ship until Monday. Sadly, you still won’t be able to play it on your precious PlayStation.

As for your ethnocentric misconceptions, I'll try to ignore them.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 20:00
Im the sad man. Ha doom 3 will never be a halo 2 so only a few people will buy it on xbox. Anyway playstation doesn't need a non innovative game like doom 3 anyway. We have god of war for killing demons anyway, which by the way was made by sony and is getiing rave reviews, tell me what microsoft has made, s**t that's what. I feel sorry for the NecroDancer and his big black xbox.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 20:17
Where am I? I'm sure I didn't type Gamespot's URL into the address bar...

EDIT: Sorry Ninja-Edit.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 20:18
lol. How about gamespy.
Joined 15 Apr 2004
Sat, 2 Apr 2005 16:41
There are diferent interests in this forums, if you like Halo 2 or any X box live game as much that you would pay $50-60 , then pay it, but I dare to say that Microsoft ambitions of squeezing videogame players wallet is against Microsoft future in Next generation console.
Sony Next console will improve its Live service and it will be if not for free, at least $25 below X-BOX live price.
Nintendo already offered a free service for their DS system helped by GameSpy.
And for Revolution I bet it will be an exellent WiFi Live Service and a for a very low price (lower than Sony) but i woudnt be surprised if Nintendo offer it for Free. Nintendo will say that they were waiting for a favorable conditions for Live gamplay, that would be their excuse and apology why they took so long to start with this service .
Microsoft will have to deliver almost adictive games to support that high X-BOX Live prices when the other console live service come.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Sat, 2 Apr 2005 16:47
yeah man you hit the nail on the head. These people and there xbox live crap, if microsoft gets online competition from sony and nintendo you will see xbox lives price fall and even might be free. Live sucks and so does xbox.
Joined 7 Apr 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 07:52
Neo why is it that you feel the need to bash something you must know little or nothing about? I own Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Saturn, N64, Genesis, SNES, NES.....I love games. And Dreamcast had online functionality before all of the current offerings, not only did they have it, but it was great to play too(and free, imagine that!!). I would personally rather play any game on Gamecube or Xbox than the PS2...they do have the best RPG library on the market, hence I own one, but beyond that field they have a lot of nothing to satisfy me. And for the recond Fable can't really be labeled an RPG, it was more of an Action Adventure game meets a choose your own ending book(also note that Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind was a great Xbox RPG that came out less than a year into it's lifecycle). So I have to ask you, have you ever actually played a game on Xbox Live(a good one....and don't say something stupid like Madden), or are you just smack talking something because you know nothing about it? Because I've personally played games on all four online services and even Dreamcast's system is better than the Gamecube and PS2 set-up. Just plug and play. I even bought the hdd package with FFXI, which was the biggest waste of money ever. If anyone is rapping people of money it would be Sony right there, they stopped support of the hdd and even the new slim PS2 can't have the hdd in it, so the PS2 FFXI users just got shafted out of $100, so you payed Sony for nothing. I payed a one time charge of $200.00 for my Xbox and pay $50.00 a year to play ANY Live game I want online. I don't mind paying that to play the library of 100+ online enabled games, even just for a rental play I can get online. Now I even got Monster Hunter because it reminded me of Phantasy Star Online...and the game was so damned horrid on the PS2 online service that I haven't played it in nearly six months...all because of the difficulty of use online. Microsoft has something going for it with Live and if anything Sony will be copying them in the next generation of hardware. And while on that topic I'd like to state that if Sony had the idea for a service so much like Xbox Live then why the hell did they release something as half assed as they did instead of a mock-up of the service Live put out? I'll give you a hint: because Sony made a blank promise and they thought there would be no competition...but you know what, Xbox had an online service up and running before either Nintendo or Sony did. So keep bashing what's clearly the best online console offering, and I can prove it in numbers as a matter of fact. As of last checked numbers, Sony was just reaching the base of 1 million online users through their broadband adapters(not that many can be dial up anymore with the new games anyways), where-as you have Live with more than 1.5 million Live subscribers. Now if Sony's online offerings are so much better why is it that they have nearly eight times the number of consoles shipped but 50% less user base for their console than Live does?! See know you're flabberghasted and you're going to use some stupid rebutle about how Sony is so great and you don't hate Xbox, but you think ***---insert some stupid complaint about something neo doesn't like about Xbox here---*** and then you should just continue into your post by calling me a newb/noob/n00b or something else jusr as childish, because really you're just a niave fanboy that has no idea of what the next generation holds. In my eyes Microsoft would be in a much better place if they hadn't launched their console eighteen months after Sony...as a FIRST time console manufacturer. I think given the situation they've been in they're at a winning position...besides, they're doing good enough to be beating Nintendo. So in closing just shut your trap about stuff in the next generation until we get more news and as for current consoles...go ahead and gloat all you want, but it does you no good because then no one that reads your post likes you and they all think that you're an ugly fat kid that has no friends and is horribly unclean and that wishes his Playstation 2 could talk to him because he loves it so much that he wishes he could marry it. So there you go, I got mad enough to actually post something here, congrats on being the biggest douche ever.
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 00:26
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 06:35



Oh Lord, I feel like one of those disgusting jocks, running into the geek whose hairy asscheeks he duct-taped together in High School...I used to google my screenname just so I could see comments on other websites about how bad I beat you...

You know I had a really awful weekend, I had responsibilities imposed upon me, I buried a friend, my families busness had problems, but seeing you show your face back in here just brings a warmth to the cockles auf mein Hertz...


OK you can f**k right off again...we already have a Fanboy in Residence and somehow I think you two would get along like oil and gasoline...actually thats not such a bad idea...mebbe we could quarantine them in some part of the site so we could watch them fight...if we wanted to...frankly I can't be bothered with you at the moment, not that you're any less significant than you ever were, not sure thats possible...
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 07:10
Damn my lack of temporal awareness...

You must be the April Fool...showed up a bit early did we? Well, thats all right as long as you leave early as well...don't let the door hit you where the Flying Spaghetti Monster split you...
Sat, 4 Jul 2009 18:37
-Xbox 360
-Nintendo 64
-Gameboy sp
-Gameboy Color
people screw freankin nintendo, other than Nintendo 64, nintendo is a piece of crap, what do people see in that peice of trash
----SONY---Microsoft freakin all day!!!
We beast mode
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