Activision Confirms Civilian Slaughter Scene in Modern Warfare 2

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Topic started: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 16:19
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Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:03
this makes me wanna by the game
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:04
Just checking :D

PS. @ anyone: How do I make this forum show posts hierarchically? linear forums blow...

gildartz wrote:
@Lee lol of course i know that but the person i was replying to was taking it so seriously that i thought i'd play his game XD
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:08
I love you Infinity all you cry baby's quite sulking and letting your mom wipe your ass for you...if you don't like it, don't buy it.
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:14
How bout this

Its a game.

For every crybaby on here that is condemning it, what have you done to condemn the killing of real civilians in real life. What have you done to condemn the genocide or REAL people?

Surely there are much more REAL things it the world to cry foul about.
are you kidding
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:19
ok dude you are f***ing stupid. This is one of the best games ever made, if not the best and your being a little pussy
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:21
GreyGeek wrote:
Just a game? You've played similar games before?

That only means that you've become desensitized to the horrific violence this game portrays. Mass murder of unarmed, unsuspecting, innocent men, women, children.... you call that fun? Entertaining?

Wait till a REAL assassination squad goes through your neighborhood, killing family members, or your friends. Then come back an talk about it being "just a game", if you are lucky enough to survive.

The sad thing is that this "game" is really just about exploiting socially unstable or psychotic people for money, or making training films for the truly fanatical. Where do you draw the line? Raping babies? Sadistic torture? How low are you willing to stoop just to entertain yourself? Or to make a buck?

This is a game. You have the option of skipping the entire scene, if you so choose.

You are completely entitled to boycott the game and disapprove of it's nature. Hell, I encourage you to express your opinion on the matter.You ask what we'd do if a real assassination squad came through our neighborhood. Well, since there is such a threat of horrific acts such as this in the real world, I believe that time and effort should be put to stopping those atrocities. That affect real people.
If this game's one scene of violence, which is skippable, is the worst thing going on in our world right now, I'd say we've got it pretty good. But no, there is much worse going on daily. You have the right to discourage people from purchasing this title. However, I encourage you to spend your energy on more dire issues.
Personally, I will be playing through this scene, because I want the full Modern Warfare 2 experience. I want the full story. You can call me whatever name you wish. I'm indifferent.

So long as a federal ban is not enacted, or a censor, we will not have a problem. But I will not stand idly by if that happens.
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:23 can INTERACTIVELY KILL virtual models but they're worried about people being offended over a scene?
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:30
I believe that it truely is just a game, and it does accurately portray the horrors of the world we live in. Im not going to have fun killing civilians but it is a game and there is a reason why they put this level in.
Boycott Evil
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:56
Every good person has to call for a boycott of this game. Movies influence real actions, games doubly so. The purpose of life is upholding good and resisting evil. A game which
asks to do evil for fun is evil. The company which makes it is evil, the people who design such games are evil. There is no excuse for this garbage, as there is no excuse for Nazi propaganda and actions. The two are exactly equal.

Real men boycott evil games, evil companies and everything evil.
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 00:00
I'm sorry.. realistic or not, this scene has gone too far. I personally will get this game, and I will personally skip this scene, don't get me wrong.. but there are a lot of sick middle-aged men that play video games for fun that aren't aware of the seriousness and horribleness of actually killing someone. Crazy people are going to take this and run with it. This game shows a perfect way on how to shoot up an airport and be a terrorist. This is unnecessary for a violent video game to be this disgustingly violent. Anyone that thinks this is OK needs to seriously stop and think about their life and do some hardcore church-going. Terrorism and killing of anyone is not OK at all. I don't see how anyone could ever take a life of an innocent person. Killing in war, on the other hand, may be a different thing.. but it is extremely unnecessary for a video game to portray such horrors.
Boycott Evil
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 00:05
Real men do condemn killing civilians in real life. Killing civilians in games makes the real thing seem normal and even providse practice for it. That's why such games are evil. Having to kill evil monsters is quite different from having to kill civilians. How silly is it not to see the obvious?
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 00:05
Anonymous wrote:
I'm sorry.. realistic or not, this scene has gone too far. I personally will get this game, and I will personally skip this scene, don't get me wrong.. but there are a lot of sick middle-aged men that play video games for fun that aren't aware of the seriousness and horribleness of actually killing someone. Crazy people are going to take this and run with it. This game shows a perfect way on how to shoot up an airport and be a terrorist. This is unnecessary for a violent video game to be this disgustingly violent. Anyone that thinks this is OK needs to seriously stop and think about their life and do some hardcore church-going. Terrorism and killing of anyone is not OK at all. I don't see how anyone could ever take a life of an innocent person. Killing in war, on the other hand, may be a different thing.. but it is extremely unnecessary for a video game to portray such horrors.
You said that killing of anyone is not OK at all, and then you continued with saying that killing in war is different. Why is it different. Is a soldier not a person?
Boycott Evil
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 00:14
"Modern Warfare 2" is a misleading name. This game should be called "Apotheosis of Evil Terrorism". It seems to be made in order to encourage terrorist madness and make it mainstream. The game is evil.

Boycott Evil !!! It's your duty!
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 00:16
Personally, if I could put an end to war I would be the first one in line to. I think it is terribly nasty but people on the other side of the world may not have a problem with killing and nothing we do may ever change their minds and there must be a way to prevent them from killing everyone. War is some circumstances is necessary if it means protecting other people. If there weren't people out there fighting wars for us we would all probably be dead, and thankfully there are other people who are willing to do that because I know I could never personally harm another human being. The Bible mentions something along the lines of killing to protect a friend is OK if that means you are solely doing it to protect a friend. I don't want anyone to get the idea that I think anyone dieing is losing a life is OK but when a man steps to the front line willingly to save the rest of him people he is dieing for what is right. Whether it is OK to portray any sort of violence in the media is another whole story..
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 00:19

It's interesting that you bring up GTA. I never would have guessed that out of all the things in that game, the controversy came when people found out you could hack the game for the hot coffee mod, which portrayed, hardly pornographically, two people f**king.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this country. You can gut someone on the street, but you can't see someone having sex? Seriously, EVERYONE has sex, it's a part of normal life... but gutting people, running them over, executing them, etc etc etc is NOT. So why are we so sensitive about sex and not about violence? I'm surprised people are actually up in arms about this game and not so much other violent ones.

But, I guess II can see why this scene is controversial. The thing that makes this different than movies is that it's interactive. It puts the gamer in control, and you're effectively carrying out the airport genocide. Another something different about this... it may be people being really sensitive because this is what we've been told be to scared of. You have 9/11, a dozen school shootings and mall shootings a day, and it scares the crap out of people. War scenes in Iraq or elsewhere feel so distant; this hits close to home.

It doesn't mean this game should be banned though.

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