Activision Confirms Civilian Slaughter Scene in Modern Warfare 2

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Topic started: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 16:19
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Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:08
"The scene establishes the depth of evil and the cold bloodedness of a rogue Russian villain and his unit"
are they serious???
if they wanted to achieve that, y not show this exact same scene from the viewpoint of a victim???

first that network-f**kup, now this. mw2 now absolutely a no-go for me.
Omega Bombs
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:16

18+ dip s**t, if the parent buys it for a kid then they are stupid...
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:20
wow what a douche he spoils the game and its secrets i dont think its right and also i think that if people change their minds because of the scene then they are retarded cause games like gta does the exact thing...hell this dude isnt even a russian terrorist but the game allows u to go on a random killing spree in a car
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:39
i want a copy of this video so i can post it everywhere to prove games are games. shoot ppl AND HAVE FUN DOIN IT!!!! XD
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:43
GreyGeek = Jack Thompson?

failed at getting Counter Strike blamed for the virgina tech shootings

lets move on to mw2

in fallout 1 and 2, if you happened to throw nades around when there were little kids about they died and most of the time you responded with "oh Sh!t" the first time expecially when entire towns went lynch mob on you for it. It saddened me when they removed that from fallout 3, glad i got it for pc so i could mod it.

im not buying mw2 because of the lack of dedicated servers.

Have a nice day everyone =).
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:49
its not a case of us being desensitized but its just that we've seen this all before. there are games like GTA whereby you can kill innocent cilivians for fun, and even have sex with prostitutes in your car so why is this so shocking? for the past 5 instalments, COD has made you kill other soldiers, which can be considered as innocent as the men and women in that airport, since at the end of the day, life is still ife. the japanese soldiers that you burned to death using a flamethrower in COD5 may have been fathers, brothers, sons, uncles, but why doesn't anyone point this out? If you are against this then you may as well be against every single FPS in the world otherwise its just hypocrisy. oh, and that scene is hardly meant to be 'fun', its the effect on the gamer which increases the intensity of the gaming experience later on which can be seen as fun.
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:50
@GreyGeek - you are sooooo correct. After playing pac man as a young 'un, I spent several years in darkened room chasing pills and running away from ghosts. If only I'd had access to your wisdom back then when I was so impressionable! *sigh*
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:51
All you arm-chair critics so vehemently against the virtual killing of civilians need to shut your mouths. You have never been to war, you just sit in your plastic wrapped cosy little life and like to scream injustice whenever you switch on the news because it makes you feel more left wing.

This is an accurate portrayal of the s**tty things which happen in the real world. People get f**ked up in war, innocent people.

Picture this; You're an Infantry Soldier who receives fire from a building. You follow your training and respond with a grenade through the window, unbeknown to you there are women and or children being used as human shields by the Taliban.

If nothing else, games like this can give people a real appreciation for what soldiers have to go through on a daily basis in Afghanistan & Iraq.
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:53
@gildartz - umm, game-characters don't have children at home.. It's a game... I understand that some ppl aren't able to make this distinction but are you one of them? :D
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:55
If your going to ban this you should ban any game that depicts any type of shooting. And really if you plan on censoring why stop there, ban all games. Make people work 24/7. Control everything they do. We should become a society of sheep with no freedom.

I mean really its a game. If you cant depict the difference between a game and reality there are underlying issues that have nothing to do with games.
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:57
@Choi - omg you are soooooo right. Likewise, whenever I read a food critic's account of a particular dish at a new restaurant, HE'S RUINED IT FOR EVERYONE, ZOMG!

Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:57
actually now that I think about it maybe games are a big impact
I mean I played pac man too

And I have chomped pills and listened to some techno music

Hell a few times I did chase ghosts too
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:59
How is this different from Grant Theft Auto, where I can go on a rampage killing all the people walking around? Because their graphics are nothing compared to COD4? Is this why its allowed for Rockstar to do this? Seriously, its a game that is not being forced anyone's mouth, if you don't mind the gore, buy it, play it, enjoy it. If you do, don't buy it, don't play, don't enjoy it, period! If Activision thinks that you not playing their game far outweights the ability to put this scene in and entertain those that do enjoy that scene, then let them be.

Its funny how there are so many things in games now a days, yet people pick the dumbest things to nag about. Oh wait, what happened to movies that portray this same thing? Oh no, they don't apply here, why not?
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:00
@Lee lol of course i know that but the person i was replying to was taking it so seriously that i thought i'd play his game XD
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 23:02
Wtf? You expect parents to do some parenting? To stand up to the demands of their kiddiwinks and say "No! you're not eighteen so you can't have the game". That's totally unreasonable.

I recommend giving 'parents' an easy time and preventing anyone from getting access to this filth. Everyone with eighteen year old children will just have to suck it up because in my perfect parenting-free world, they will not be able to buy this game for them.

Oh wait, the opposite of that...

Logic wrote:
Hmm.. It is a game. I like Activisions statement. If parents are concerned about their kid playing the game, then preview it, or do'nt buy it for them. That is the parents responsibility to safe guard their children, not the game developers or publishers. If this is about imposing the idea of killing a certain ethnic race, then again I reiterate that it is a game. People who hate, are going to hate. Why should those that enjoy a good FPS and obviously know the difference between right and wrong not be permitted to play? I think the stated precautions that Activision has taken are fair. Obviously if they blatantly threw it in there with no warning and rated it "E for Everyone" would be grounds for great concern. Seeing as how they have provided the seemingly logical precautions, I think it is fair. Maybe some secure code for parents to be able to block certain amounts of content could be in order, but even if they included that it raises the question of how many responsible parents would take the time actual implement them? My guess: Less than .0001%

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