I'm genuinely not saying this to cause controversy, and DEFINITELY not defending this "game," but can someone tell me why this game is wrong but Manhunt 2 is okay?
I'm genuinely not saying this to cause controversy, and DEFINITELY not defending this "game," but can someone tell me why this game is wrong but Manhunt 2 is okay?
In Manhunt ur quite a disturbed individual and you carry out tasks on a number of targets...also like GTA you have the freedom to attack any and everyone.
Where as this game is out right racist targeting Muslims only! Its like someone creating a Nazi game and ur job is to kill off the worldwide Jewish community!
I'm genuinely not saying this to cause controversy, and DEFINITELY not defending this "game," but can someone tell me why this game is wrong but Manhunt 2 is okay?
From previous forum posts, I'd took you as being more intelligent than this schnide!
In Manhunt 2 you don't go around targeting one race or one religion or one group of anything where as this game is clearly intended to be racist.
To be honest, the media has every right to jump on gaming for this one.
From previous forum posts, I'd took you as being more intelligent than this schnide!
You did? What posts were you reading?
(Seriously though, cheers)
In Manhunt 2 you don't go around targeting one race or one religion or one group of anything where as this game is clearly intended to be racist.
Manhunt 2 has you assume the role of a killer, which everyone knows is wrong. This game has you assume the role of a murdering racist, which I also hope that everyone knows is wrong although you can't guarantee these things.
So please explain to me, what exactly is the difference? You can play a murderer as long as they're not choosing their targets based on race? .
This game has you assume the role of a murdering racist...
No you don't, you assume the role of a murdering religionist. Islam and Christianity aren't racially exclusive. Nor, for that matter, are any religions.
This game has you assume the role of a murdering racist...
No you don't, you assume the role of a murdering religionist. Islam and Christianity aren't racially exclusive. Nor, for that matter, are any religions.
Being a former politics student I should have known that. I made the classic mistake of assuming that all Muslims are Middle Eastern in origin, which of course they are not. The majority are however, and you could argue that non-Muslim racists find it easier to loathe those of Islamic faith because they're of a different race. So essentially that anti-Islamic feeling has its origins in racism, despite Islam being the name it's fought under.
I hope I greased my way out of that by trying to sound a bit clever. To reiterate then:
Manhunt 2 has you assume the role of a killer, which everyone knows is wrong. This game has you assume the role of a murdered with targets chosen because of their religion.
So please explain to me, what exactly is the difference? You can play a murderer as long as they're not choosing their targets based on faith? .
I made the classic mistake of assuming that all Muslims are Middle Eastern in origin, which of course they are not. The majority are however...
The hook is coming in from the side of the stage...
The majority of Muslims are in fact not in the middle east at all.
Middle Eastern in ethnic origin then? Or how about just non-Western white? The point still stands that it's probably a lot to do with racism. I'm probably more educated than a lot of people, and a lot better than whoever wrote this game, and I'd bet you he's convinced that most Muslims are from the Middle East. I'd also imagine that the majority who want to blow up planes are also of that ethnic denomination, but I'd be loathe to explore than any further in case you have another website up your sleeve.
Either way, would you prefer to argue on an admittedly large technicality based on a misconception for which I now apologise, or actually answer the question I posed?
Your pomposity rating just went up a few notches Smith!
Either way, would you prefer to argue on an admittedly large technicality based on a misconception for which I now apologise, or actually answer the question I posed?
Mmmm, well, I already responded with "Who said Manhunt 2 is okay?"
However, then both Hark and Horatio gave different, better and less off-the-cuff answers than I did.
schnide wrote:
Your pomposity rating just went up a few notches Smith!
----- Tim's Pomposity Rating Today is a Super-Exciting 98.99% ----
Mmmm, well, I already responded with "Who said Manhunt 2 is okay?"
The majority of people who defended it on this site, for a start.
However, then both Hark and Horatio gave different, better and less off-the-cuff answers than I did.
I must have missed those then. What I saw was that it's okay to portray murder in a game, but you can't portray racism/religious discrimination. Is that the line that's being held here?
----- Tim's Pomposity Rating Today is a Super-Exciting 98.99% ----
I think you're at about 80%, I want to see a lot more pompousity to justify a rating like that.
If people want to maintain the line that Manhunt 2 might be morally objectionable but in defending free speech we should allow it to be put out there and allow the public to exercise their good judgement.. stop laughing at the back.. then please explain to me why the same doesn't apply to the software featured in this article.
I put it to you, sirs, that there's some hypocrisy going on here. .
I put it to you, sirs, that there's some hypocrisy going on here. .
There isn't.
Great! Explain it to me then. I'm not posing the question for the sake of being controversial, I want to understand what the difference is so that I join the ranks of the correct rather than continue to live in ignorance.
Slightly tongue in cheek response I grant you, but that's to reflect the nature of the replies I'm actually getting, rather than it not being entirely true.