Jack Thompson Cites SPOnG In Court Filing

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Topic started: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 14:22
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Joined 25 Jun 2004
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 14:22



like a little boy running around on a sugar high with a water pistol, is Mr Thompson.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:04
"We're a movin' on up! movin' on up! To the east siiiide!"

Electronic Games Weekly.... EGW? perhaps he has soem sort of vertical dyslexia? Or perhaps that's a real publication and I've just never heard of them. None the less we beat out 1up! ;)
Joined 29 Jun 2006
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:11
Seriosuly, this is beyond funny now. It is just a mockery of the court systems.
He really is a obssessed man, an obsessed man who wishes to take down a whole industry down single handly. despite the fact it is one of the most successful industries. He should just leave the battle as it is just making himslef look even more of an idiot then about 2 months ago. Anmd that itself is a feat.
I salute you jack Robinson for being a complete and utter smeghead.
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:18
One man... against all the odds.

Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:29
rogueleader wrote:
Seriosuly, this is beyond funny now. It is just a mockery of the court systems.

Tell the world!

Oh, but don't mention that SPOnG is in the UK, we want to see if he'll go through the extradition system to get to us! Should be fun, I've always wanted to visit Florida and apparently Jack has to pay the air fares.
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:32
tyrion wrote:
Should be fun, I've always wanted to visit Florida and apparently Jack has to pay the air fares.

Can I come? <3 I've been reading up on my Phoenix Wright. "Objection!", etc.
Joined 22 Mar 2007
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:39
Son of a bitch

Im glad you guys arnt backing down... because that guy has some serious issues.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 16:37
cube_game wrote:
Im glad you guys arnt backing down... because that guy has some serious issues.

It's difficult to back down when you haven't actually done anything.
Joined 24 Apr 2004
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 17:36
So bad PR is now called Racketeering?
Joined 13 May 2006
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 20:21
"As a result of this collaboration, individuals have repeatedly threatened the life of Thompson, visited his residential neighborhood to hand out libellous (sic) pamphlets, filed SLAPP Bar complaints against Thompson, having been encouraged to do so by gaming web sites, sent dozens of items to Thompson’s home and office via overnight courier and mail, sent sex aid products to his wife, threatened Thompson’s son, shot at his home, sought to incarcerate Thompson, “bookstormed” his book"

Joined 17 Jul 2006
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 20:40
man alive! he really is getting carried away isnt he. oh well, the steamroller of sanity shall crush him and his claims publically soon enough. i hope (its america).
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Fri, 23 Mar 2007 10:14
PistolPete wrote:
"...sent dozens of items to Thompson’s home and office via overnight courier and mail, sent sex aid products to his wife, threatened Thompson’s son, shot at his home..."


No, threatening the man's family, upsetting his wife, shooting at his home - if these things happened, then that's not good at all.

He has opinions I don't support. He airs them in ways that bemuse me. But just because you don't agree with what he's got to say, doesn't make violence, threats of violence, or targeting his family valid options.

From a pragmatic point of view, this kind of thing supports all his arguments.

From a moral and ethical point of view, this kind of thing provides support for the kind of people who will bomb you if they don't like your cartoons; or black-list you if they don't like your politics; or kick the crap out of you because they don't like the team you follow.

Personally, I can live without that, thanks. I want the freedom to play imaginative, immersive, creative, fun, entertaining (some want 'art' but there you go) video games. And because I'm also in a very lucky position, the freedom to write about them as well.

We'll keep reporting on all of this and, if necessary we'll fight our corner against threats of litigation or of gagging our right to report. We'll defend the fact that we are independent and have not and will not ever take money to present positive editorial about a product or person, but I for one am not going to support anything that supports violence or intimidation.

Joined 24 Jan 2004
Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:51
Tim Smith wrote:
And because I'm also in a very lucky position, the freedom to write about them as well.

It's no THompson and his bafoons/baboons that take away your freedom to write about video games. It's the media manipulating corporations who publish them, who keep there exclusives for advertising discount, and who pull support if they get a review they don't like.

Corporate control of the media is a far greater threat to modern life as terrorism is. It affects all of us.

Joined 6 Nov 2006
Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:10
Rod Todd wrote:

Corporate control of the media is a far greater threat to modern life as terrorism is. It affects all of us.

Oh no, this was never supposed to happen. I was never supposed to agree with Rod Todd.

Then again, I don't... entirely; it's been a threat to life for far longer than 'modern', whenever that started.

Joined 24 Jan 2004
Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:25
I was never supposed to agree with Rod Todd.

Taking the position that you will never agree with someone, before you have heard and evaluated every single one of their opinions, is incredibly closed minded.

Tim Smith wrote:
it's been a threat to life for far longer than 'modern', whenever that started.

Modern life started in 1969, everyone knows that.

But corporate control of the media used to be controlled by checks and balances that those same corporations have now eroded completely.

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