Okay so the Pope doesn't always get it right (Understatement of the Year - Islamic Quotations Editor) but look at the state of kids on the street today and you're still telling me that discouraging violent videogames for children is a bad thing?
We shouldn't be surprised by this kind of crap, might explain why we haven't seen JT for a while. Seems odd for the Pope to now come out with this crap, but don't forget he is german, and with the recent flogging games are getting in europe, I'd put it down to those dastardly eurosuits.
Who's the pope to comment when he can't get his own houses in order, hiding paedo priests, but never talking about that subject, which is a hell of a lot more damaging. Then there's all the lies that the catholic church has built its order upon, which they still stone wall us on all the time.
The fall of social order is down to councils, governments who see Euro/pounds signs in their eyes, who then go on to sell off land, ours kids should be playing on, for another housing development or car park. Then act surprised when kids act up bad. They'll hide the true cause under red tape and ASBOs, while not solving the problem.
I'm all for not selling adult games to minors, but this isn't a problem in europe, just mainly the u.s. I smell the stench of JT, or someone similar at work here.
Hey Pope, say a prayer for Jesus's brothers and sisters too, not just him. What brothers and sister you say?
Okay so the Pope doesn't always get it right (Understatement of the Year - Islamic Quotations Editor) but look at the state of kids on the street today and you're still telling me that discouraging violent videogames for children is a bad thing?
And I'm an atheist before you start.
violent videogames are already not allowd to be sold to children. I blame the parents, the government and evrybody else who is in charge.
As the only fenian to join this discussion, (I think) i would say that whilst i disagree with the popes comments, (john paul II woulda never made a statement like that) i also think people should lighten up and just live thier lives instead of arguing because they think someones telling them what to do, YOU DONT HAVE TO LISTEN!, I think its better to worship God or whoever you follow in whatever way you see fit. As for the whole existance of God, i could enter into a discussion here but its a gaming website, and its games that i have loved since i was 4 (master system II with alex kidd built in, ahh memories) but it has never infringed on my beliefs or made me bitter towards others. Good topic this btw.
Anyone can say "violence is bad" and most people think it, but you can't just make it disappear, so you have to realise that there probably will be violence somewhere. So the real problem is whether people who see violence think it's good or bad - which is a problem with the individual person.
If I play a game, then I go and punch someone in the face, I would probably say that's my own decision, not the game's - whether it is right or wrong.
why being religous makes you an infallible source of moral correctness to some people is beyond me
f**k off ratface, i appeal to one of your cardinals to bump you off in the night
king skins wrote:
And don't forget they also invented the Holy Crusade!
and lets really not forget they worship a bloodthirsty malevolent and actively believe in unsubstantiated nonsense like mary being capable of space flight
Ted: No, Dougal, that's us. That's Catholicism.
Dougal: Oh right."