Sony Blamed For Closure of Lik Sang

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Topic started: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 16:15
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Joined 6 Sep 2006
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 16:15
I gotta say Sony must have pissed off the remaining few supporters they had

Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 17:04
Dear Europeans,

Stop buying things from a company that treats you poorly. You are perpetualy being screwed by these people. They cant see past the shores of japan. You are unimportant. Numbers are important. Money is important. The companies succes has pushed it to critical mass. Wise up, take em down a peg or 5. The PS1 was a superior machine to its competitors in almost everyway. The ps2 was the worst of its generation but cost the most. Now sony fans are being used as a means to win a format war. Using your love of their "exclusive" games to dip into your pockets and support their movie format. An no regard is paid to your wants or needs. You are told that the things they force you to payfor are for your own good.

At least MS gives me choices. If i choose cheaper wired controllers for my cheaper HD-less system, i have that option. I can get what "I" think "I need" for "MY" system. $10 rechargable batteries form MS or 20 bucks for a bunch of rechargable double A's for all of my controllers and a charger from best buy? My choice.

Fun analogy time:
To all those who just "have to have" metal gear and FF games, your pussy whipped! Just cause a woman gives good head doesnt mean you should let her treat you like s**t. Go find a new woman, try other pussy(gears of war perhaps?), sure its not the pussy that ur used to, but hey, you might even like it more. And when your not playing with the pussy(games as it where), its nice to have a girl who isnt a controlling bitch (HD video, if you want it that is). Or just get a Wii. Liek the fake comercial says, it's "Cheap and fun!". ;)

EDIT: for those who havent seen it

/weird analogy
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 17:28
bah, this is so a non-issue.

Lik Sang knew the entire time that many of the things they were doing were of questionable legality, I'm sure they have made a ton of money by exploiting these situations. Well, now the hammer(gavel) has come down and they're cutting and running. Boo Hoo Hoo, me heart pumps purple piss for them... Is this a good thing for their customers? If course not. Is it a tragedy for the entire gaming public? No. There will be others filling the vacuum. Lik Sang is a victim(hah) of their own success, by being so visible they invited their own demise. They can carp on about how they sold merch to SCEE personnel all they want, machts nicht. Amusing, but ultimately meaningless.

The only issue is Sony's failure to do a timely launch worldwide. A grey market operation shutting itself down when the heat rises is not.

And would you stop with the constant carping on about Sony at every feeble opportunity, you're making MS users look bad, acting like a bunch of Sony fanboys from '03...OK wait thats a bit harsh...
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 17:35
PreciousRoi wrote:
Lik Sang knew the entire time that many of the things they were doing were of questionable legality

But why were they? How were they in a global free market economy? The exact global free market that companies like Sony, Microsoft et al have fought hard to establish, so they can have things made cheap by poor people and sell them expensive to rich people while avoiding paying taxes. They built this world so they could exploit it, and when their rules are used in a way that upsets them - they cry foul.

And because they can't fight them on the global free market aspect, they hide behind safety and copyright.

Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 17:55
If there was such a thing as a global free market you might have a point, but there ain't no such animal. Airbus and the entire Japaneese economy spring to mind... I'm not trying to defend Sony or say that they aren't full of s**t, I just don't see any reason to defend Lik Sang either, they saw an opportunity to make some money, they took it. Now the window of opportunity is closing on them and they're shutting down, likely to protect themselves from losing their ill-gotten gains. If it was all above board they'd call it white imports wouldn't they? It also seems unfair to tar Sony as a whole with this brush, isn't this Sony Europe protecting thier turf from sales that would otherwise be credited to another divison that could have concievably stopped this on the supply side, if they chose? Were I a Sony aficionado in the EU I'd find the release disparity to be more than enough reason to be upset, grey import nonsense being a secondary, and dependant phenomena.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 18:02
Wow, excellent grasp of the issue. What lik sang did wa snot illegal. The only reason it was found to be in a court of law was because Lik sang was unable to afford to put layers agaisnt every suit and the particular case in question was uncontested by lik sang.

Sony claims they did it because they feared consumers would get things that didnt meet the particular regiosn regulatios. however liksang always provided the proper power converters with every import systm they sold, most of the time it was the one manufacutred by sony, or MS etc...

Sony used this as an angle to attack a company they felt was makign money that they shoudl have been making, period.

At present i liek MS because they ar the underdgo and there for go out of there way to cater to me. I get great products at good prices. Sony on the other hand is the leader and feel sthey can exploit that position to their own ends. Another generation or two form now i may be on the other side of the fence. It's called capitalism. Companies suck, you dont by there stuff. Read up on it.

Also, do you actually feel in oposition to every popular feelinf of the gameing comunity, or do you just enjoy spending your days being contrary? Serioulsy fonzi, being an outsider doesnt make you cooler by default.

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 18:02
PreciousRoi wrote:
It also seems unfair to tar Sony as a whole with this brush, isn't this Sony Europe protecting thier turf from sales that would otherwise be credited to another divison that could have concievably stopped this on the supply side, if they chose?

So either they didn't choose, or their Asian "colleagues" elected to keep supplying Lik Sang. But throwing their weight around like this does sit poorly with their global ideals.

As for there not being a global market... there may not be a perfect one, but corporations like Sony are doing their best to "correct" that. Citing Airbus is just a typical US response. what Airbus gets in subsidies, Boeing gets in tax breaks. Both companies and countries are exhibiting protectionism while crying foul at the other's actions.

Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 18:07
PreciousRoi wrote:
It also seems unfair to tar Sony as a whole with this brush, isn't this Sony Europe protecting thier turf from sales that would otherwise be credited to another divison that could have concievably stopped this on the supply side, if they chose? Were I a Sony aficionado in the EU I'd find the release disparity to be more than enough reason to be upset, grey import nonsense being a secondary, and dependant phenomena.

Wait, so you think sony euope actually gets to make decisions? Now i know ur just tryign to be funny. Sorry i didnt pick up on the sarcasim of all ur post up until this point.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 18:16
dude seriously, feel free to resent me for pointing this out...but that could have been more legible.

I wouldnt put it the same way, but thats where I stand on MS as well, right now they're giving people what they want, in the face of an entrenched opposition...if the shoe was on the other foot their behavior might change, but for now they're my dog.

I could care less what the "gaming community" thinks about the issue, I don't change my opinions just to be different OR to "fit in". I'm certainly not afraid to disagree. Expecting a corporation to do anything other than what is in its best interests is simply too unrealistic. Of course they're going to take advantage of the system whenever possible...its in their nature, like the scorpion and the frog.

Doc:I dunno, just saw something on Discovery a while back on the A380 or whatever, thats why it sprang to mind...but philosohically I favor tax breaks over subsidies...why bother collecting it if you're only going to give it back? seems like a system with tailormade potential for abuse...not that there aren't plenty of opportunities in our system...
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 18:32
PreciousRoi wrote:
dude seriously, feel free to resent me for pointing this out...but that could have been more legible.

No contention there, I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to forum spell checking.

PreciousRoi wrote:
I wouldnt put it the same way, but thats where I stand on MS as well, right now they're giving people what they want, in the face of an entrenched opposition...if the shoe was on the other foot their behavior might change, but for now they're my dog.


PreciousRoi wrote:
I could care less what the "gaming community" thinks about the issue, I don't change my opinions just to be different OR to "fit in". I'm certainly not afraid to disagree. Expecting a corporation to do anything other than what is in its best interests is simply too unrealistic. Of course they're going to take advantage of the system whenever possible...its in thier nature, like the scorpion and the frog.

So, you dont think theres anythign wrong with Sony doing what they did? It would be in my best interest to kill anyman with a bigger dick than I or that gets more girls than me, or any other man period really, but that doesnt mean its right or OK for me to do so. I (like all corporations) am made up of humany bits. This is absolute s**t and its a travesty-o-justice that they got away with it.

Lik-sang did nothing wrong except make money by taking advantage of sony's failing when it came to it's customers. Yet you harbor no ill will twords sony over it but feel lik sang got what they diserved?

You say they did soemthing illegal and got shut down for it. But they didnt, they just got railroaded by a copany with more money to spend and an axe to grind.

If you read all the info it's plane to see. My assertion that ur just being contrary stands as you have yet to admit your initial error in judgement. Lik sang was a good company that provided a worthwhile service to people at a reasonable price. Now people are out of jobs because sony is to busy blaming others for the failings rather than geting their perveribial act together.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 19:00
LUPOS wrote:
No contention there, I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to forum spell checking.
Fair enough, I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to decoding poor spelling and ugly, overused contractions like "ur" best left to text messages.

LUPOS wrote:
So, you dont think theres anythign wrong with Sony doing what they did?...(insert random meaningless blather)
Not so much that I don't see anything wrong with it...more I don't see it as anything exceptional or unexpected. Sony did pretty much what any other corporation in their situation would have done. Certainly MS would have.

LUPOS wrote:
Lik-sang did nothing wrong except make money by taking advantage of sony's failing when it came to it's customers. Yet you harbor no ill will twords sony over it but feel lik sang got what they diserved?
Not so much they got what they deserved as they got what they knew was coming, they were doing something they knew Sony didn't like and have likely been waiting for this to happen for some time now, happy to make hay while the sun shines.

LUPOS wrote:
You say they did soemthing illegal and got shut down for it. But they didnt, they just got railroaded by a copany with more money to spend and an axe to grind.
fine. You still aren't going to convince me that Lik Sang wasn't fully aware of the possibility of this happening. Unless they were stupid, the escape capsule was designed into their HQ from day one.

I'm a big fan of first causes...where Sony failed is in not launching in a timely manner worldwide. This grey market stuff and Sony's response are predictable consequences of this, symptoms of the real problem. Solve the real problem and this becomes a non-issue, not so? Just becasue I don't defend Lik Sang doesn't mean I harbor any ill will towards them either, they were taking advantage of an opportunity which presented itself...they knew the risks going in, and no doubt reaped the rewards as long as they could.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 20:43
PreciousRoi wrote:
Fair enough, I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to decoding poor spelling and ugly, overused contractions like "ur" best left to text messages.

I wasn't aware it took longer to read "ur" than it does "your". you have my sympathys.

PreciousRoi wrote:
Not so much that I don't see anything wrong with it...more I don't see it as anything exceptional or unexpected. Sony did pretty much what any other corporation in their situation would have done. Certainly MS would have.

Sony abused their size and resources to msucle out copetition. This is percisely the sort of thing governemtns shoudl take care of. IF not one can ever enter a new market without fear of being smothered by the preexisting competition then the everythigns really going to go to s**t. Travesty of justice and all.

PreciousRoi wrote:
Not so much they got what they deserved as they got what they knew was coming, they were doing something they knew Sony didn't like and have likely been waiting for this to happen for some time now, happy to make hay while the sun shines.

This wasn't a temporary market the eploited for a period of time, this was a worthwhiel business model that fills a need. I work for a company that licenses foreign films and localisies and releases them in the US. Sony cant be troubled to make every game in every language with everylanguge ont he pakcagain and manuals all at once, and they cant be bothered to seel this one unified package to every retailer in every market in the entire world. There is nothign wrong with puttign somethign in the mail for someone and carging a fee for the service. Case in point, there are tons of stores onlien that sell, for example, candies from different countries to places they arent sold. If a web site send me some cadbury cream egg bars for a small fee, shoudl cadbury be able tp put them out of buisness? Just because we sell a localized product doesnt mean peopel shouldnt be aloud to ship a japanese dvd to a guy in a merica with a region free player if said customer wants it. hell, some japanese people living here need that sort of service. Again lik-sang was in no way doign soemthign wrong or illegal. Sony abused its power and manipulated the cort in its favor. Now not only has lik sang been put under but a legal presidence has been set alowing this sort of crap to happen even more easily in the future.

PreciousRoi wrote:
fine. You still aren't going to convince me that Lik Sang wasn't fully aware of the possibility of this happening. Unless they were stupid, the escape capsule was designed into their HQ from day one.

Im sure they where aware that soem giant corporation may coem alogn oen day and rail road them liek ass holes, doesnt make it right. doesnt mena they shoudl have set up shop out of fear of potential retribution. They should be able to trust the governments of the world to keep gian corporatiosn in check. When MS pulled the IE fiasco years back, they where tried for it. Sony will never face such litigation. that is wrong.

PreciousRoi wrote:
I'm a big fan of first causes...where Sony failed is in not launching in a timely manner worldwide. This grey market stuff and Sony's response are predictable consequences of this, symptoms of the real problem. Solve the real problem and this becomes a non-issue, not so? Just becasue I don't defend Lik Sang doesn't mean I harbor any ill will towards them either, they were taking advantage of an opportunity which presented itself...they knew the risks going in, and no doubt reaped the rewards as long as they could.

They repeaed the rewards of runnign a succesfull lawfull business and where put under by a coporation with the resources to out spend them. End of story. You dont seem to grasp the concept. I dont know how to more thuoughly explain it. I'm just goign to go about my buisness and be glad you dont work in law... do you?
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 21:04
The purchasing of PSP consoles by SCE employees would be for investigatory purposes.

Joined 3 Apr 2005
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 00:07
Did I say anything about it taking longer?
Its unsightly and downright rude, and quite frankly makes you look like a subintelligent, subliterate adolescent buffoon. You work for a company that localises stuff and yet can't be bothered to use proper English? What department? Building Maintenance? I wouldn't trust you to proofread the dialouge from a Sylvester Stallone movie. Surely you're doing much of that on purpose in a lame attmept at some kind of sarcasm, if not....I pity you. I honestly don't remember you ever being this much of a goon...have you been drinking heavily or something?

Bah, I can't even stand to look at the garbage you post. You win, I give up...I don't even want to discuss this anymore.
Joined 6 Sep 2006
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:05

i just hope this isnt the start of something bigger and more companies are forced into closing
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