Revealed: Xbox Live Arcade Set to Balloon in Coming Months

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Topic started: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:15
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Joined 19 Aug 2005
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:15
Hmmm Microsoft is at it again...If we can't create our own unique ideas we will copy it and try to improve it. How sad.
Joined 20 May 2005
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:26
XBox Live Arcade shipped in 2003, the Revolution has yet to ship. Nintendo copying Microsoft, how sad...
Joined 20 Apr 2004
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 12:04
Damn those tricky people at Sega, who rolled out the DreamLibrary download service back in 2000! Yeah, Mega Drive and PC Engine games only, but it still predates both current services. Game download services existed before this too, though not necessarily with retro products being made available.

The point? Stop arguing about innovators and imitators, and start worrying about the content. If Microsoft is serious in it's intentions to bring this massive increase in arcade content about (and looking at the list of companies signed up from a while back, it certainly looks like it) then the only winners can be gamers. Competition will drive both Nintendo and Microsoft to provide impressive selections of games at cheap prices.
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 12:21
excellent Xbox Live Arcade service, currently the download darling of 360 owners around the world. Except in Japan, obviously

From what I understand the Japanese who own 360's download more than everyone else.

I think I'd prefer to see more title like GeoWars and Hexic than Old Arcade titles, but they are more than welcome.

They'll have to improve the interface for downloading games in XLA, I don't like the current one there is no section for new titles. You have to click into each section to see if there are any new titles.

If it gets bigger that will be a nightmare.
Joined 19 Aug 2005
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 13:08
Paul Hill,

Please don't be silly. When has Microsoft ever been know not to steal others innovative ideas and present it as their own. There is a reason why Nintendo must remain secretive to protect their ideas and investments.
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 13:24
I think its pretty obviouse your the one being silly, the virtual console and its concept is not a invention of Nintendo's, but one they have stolen and copied
Joined 19 Aug 2005
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 15:52
king skins

If you would take your head out of Bill Gates ass, then would stop smelling the sh*t and then have a clear (fresh smelling) understanding of Microsoft’s business stealing ways.
The virtual console has been a concept idea of Nintendo's for some time now. There is nothing original about the Xbox franchise.
Joined 2 Jun 2005
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 16:08
Gonna have to go with Microsoft on this one, although not there idea originally I'm pretty sure nintendo didn't come up with it first either, more one of those communal ideas that everyone kinda has, but the BOX did do it first (tie goes to the runner). Also I've heard rumors that nintendo has no desire to make new content avalible (heard on this site I believe) and only will be increasing a back catalogue of games, Microsoft is buying and commissioning new content as well that is the best news a small game company could ever here. Not knocking big "N" but its going to be the second kid on the play ground with a new toy. Sony on the other hand will simply tell you about its new toy and how you should wait to see it and not play with the other toys until then, you'll have grown old waiting by the time it comes out.
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 16:21
jadnice wrote:
king skins

If you would take your head out of Bill Gates ass, then would stop smelling the sh*t and then have a clear (fresh smelling) understanding of Microsoft’s business stealing ways.
The virtual console has been a concept idea of Nintendo's for some time now. There is nothing original about the Xbox franchise.

My head is not in Bill's ass. I don't have any loyalty to ANY brands or companies, unlike some.
Joined 29 Sep 2005
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 16:39
king skins wrote:
excellent Xbox Live Arcade service, currently the download darling of 360 owners around the world. Except in Japan, obviously

From what I understand the Japanese who own 360's download more than everyone else.

One might suggest this is because they've got sweet fa apart from Live Arcade.

king skins wrote:
I think I'd prefer to see more title like GeoWars and Hexic than Old Arcade titles, but they are more than welcome.

They'll have to improve the interface for downloading games in XLA, I don't like the current one there is no section for new titles. You have to click into each section to see if there are any new titles.

If it gets bigger that will be a nightmare.

Penny Arcade's latest podcast (Treachery In 1080i) says they've info that Live is being revamped and improved. In the latest copy of Edge Moore says that Allard et al are busy working on upgrading the existing dashboard interface and I think Major Nelson has stated somewhere on his podcast that they're working on allowing you to do other things whilst your downloading, along with other things. So there are signs that MS aren't resting on their impressive online laurels, though niggly things like not being able to do anything else whilst downloading really should have been sorted out in QA.

MS would be foolish not to continue to upgrade the dashboard and have added features that Sony can't have been "inspired" by for their online service.

As to whether Xbox is original or not or MS steals business, Nintendo were accused of pulling some dubious tactics back in the nineties (rumours that they knew their games caused epilepsy and did nothing about it prior to shipping - increasing sales and minimising bad p.r.). Jadnice, you're naive indeed if you think MS is the only bad guy and that businesses in general play nice.

Anyway, I'm not going to be satisfied until we have Bomberman as an arcade title, but Hudson appears to be siding more with Ninty on this (although there is a new full retail bomberman game coming out for the 360, its apparently in first person... (Games tm, pg 64))
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 19:59
I know about those rumors of that elipsy stuff... it was some research conducted by the typical kind of idiots who didn't even take the effort of reading the manuals of those games which did state the dangers of elipsy and others. Now the eighties were the years Nintendo did a lot of bad with their vice-grip on third parties, however you could have said that the bad was a necissity to put the entire industry back on its feet, to bad Nintendo went high-wire in those tyrannical practices.

It's nice to see that MS and Ninty are both trying to pump out the iTunes of games (Iwata stated this at GDC "the Virtual Console can also host the next tetris" new game will be hosted on Nintendo's VC, whoever said otherwise) because it will be big if priced right and executed well enough. Still, a bunch of arcade games and some SEGA-games will probably not outtrump Nintendo's HUGE back-catalog combined with the back-catalog of Square, Namco, Capcom and more but competition is always nice for the end-user.

Besides, Nintendo had plans for a download service for the N64 called Satellaview to be combined with 64DD which flopped regretfull (togheter with some nice gameplayideas) but there's probably someone even before that, whatever.
Joined 6 Apr 2004
Sat, 22 Apr 2006 09:22
Regardless of who stole the idea off who or not.

Nintendo have one thing in their favour - nintendos back catalog!

As for the 360, I already have a pc with mame on it.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Sat, 22 Apr 2006 09:50
Smelly wrote:
Regardless of who stole the idea off who or not.

Nintendo have one thing in their favour - nintendos back catalog!

As for the 360, I already have a pc with mame on it.

And I have an Xbox with MAME, NES, SNES, and N64 emulators on it (amongst others).

If you're into illegal ROM collecting, then both 360 and Revo services are redundant.

Joined 12 Mar 2004
Sat, 22 Apr 2006 11:33
Lads, lads, Calm down.

I feel I should step in with my piece of pie. Have a slice.

MS have done well with Xbox Live and fairplay to that, as much as I like twisting the knife in their back Live is a damn good service. Had a go on my friends and it brings a whole new angle to gaming that is built upon what pc games have done in the past but better and more accessible.

Taking the PC as a good example its had multiplayer games for ages as well as online ones. In contrast to that Nintendo have tried download services, Satellaview on SNES and there was even a service briefly on NES too. For both MS and Nintendo to have similar services is just better for us as consumers, regardless of who done what first, someone always has to take the first step so others can follow.

I remeber shortly after I'd joined Spong, a survey like article was done in MCV trade mag asking us some questions (point them in the direction of the MCV thing from ages ago, please Spong). One of the questions was have you ever downloaded emulated games (or something like that)? I said I had, but only really old stuff that no one plays anyone plus certain arcade gems (since the arcade is dying, only we can really keep it alive). I also said that if there was a legal alternaitve to using illegal emus I'd be more likely to use it, also if the pricing is good too (that part is vital).

Fast forward to the now, and Xbox Live and Rev are on the brink of giving us just that. Doesn't matter who went first on what. Just enjoy the games and keep gaming alive. To get the most enjoyment buy all three consoles if you can.

vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Sat, 22 Apr 2006 15:07
Just peek under the NES, SNES, and N64(dunno if it actually had one) and you'll see a covered pin connector. It's really cool that Nintendo was trying to do something so revolutionary (heh) waaaay back in the day. I wonder if anyone have done anything with those ports. Like hooking up some of those programmable lego PC kits and turn it into a cartridge chucking tank of 8-bit doom.

As for the whole cashing in on retro, the only thing that irks me is the fact that I'm buying games over and over. I don't mind if there revamped, well I do a little. But I remember paying crazy amounts of money back in the day for these things and now they expect me to pay again. To quote Mr. Horse, "No sir, I don't like it." But then I hate all micro/macro/mini/99 cent/etc. payment structures. It pains me that I have to spend $2.49 on my cell phone just to hear Weird Al chime in with how I'm supposed to eat bananas and light snacks. I own the f**kin' cds! I've got the DVDs. I cut a lock of his hair! Give me the tools to make my own!!!
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