Miyamoto: "Revolution controller easy to copy"

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Topic started: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:35
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Joined 27 Jan 2004
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:35
I bet it's a dildo, 10 bucks says it's a dildo.
Joined 27 Jan 2004
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:36
Whoa hold the phone, Sony have already made a dildo pad, so I guess it's something else.
Joined 26 Jan 2005
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:42
i understand Nitendos concern about the controller being copied, but what is to stop MS and Sony from stealing it anyway?
Joined 26 Jan 2005
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:43
i understand Nintendos concern about the controller being copied, but what is to stop MS and Sony from stealing it anyway?
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 12:36
ann0uk wrote:
i understand Nintendos concern about the controller being copied, but what is to stop MS and Sony from stealing it anyway?

Patent and copyright law?

Patent and copyright law?

Joined 26 Jan 2005
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 12:50
If that is the case then why didnt they copywrite the rumble feature and analogue control? say that Nintendo have already obtained a copywrite for the controller then surely they could reveal it.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 13:10
I can understand their concern about others stealing ideas so I don't mind waiting til Xmas to see what it is. What's funny is that it's now all eyes on Nintendo, for we already know what Sony and MS have in store.

Is this what Nintendo planned? To have the limelight to themselves once the E3 extravaganza has died down?

Sony's PS3 pad looks so awful, that even the japanese didn't like it so I'd expect it's gonna have to have some adjustments made to it before release. Everyone will be looking to see if Sony rip off more ideas again.

On a weirder not MS seemed to have taken a route of their own which is nice, intergrating the Live button onto the pad is a sweet move and should make the whole experience better. Well done MS.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 13:11
ann0uk wrote:
If that is the case then why didnt they copywrite the rumble feature and analogue control?

I was being entirely ironic. Maybe is should have used an emoticon. What it the smiley for ironic? <|:-*

Maybe that's the one for a witch with a a-hole for a mouth?
Also, why does smileys always lay with their heads to the left. Why isn't this a smiley. (-:

Hmmm, But Nintendo were never sued over rumble when Sony and Microsoft were.
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 14:42
I know Nintendo patented their very specific D-pad design, but didn't make a strict patent off it so making a d-pad that looked a bit different and bam instant backboor.
Rumble: Nintendo had its (again) very specific own rumble design copywrited. Immersion has the other one and Sony and MS used that one.
Leaves the analog stick...why didn't they patented that... imagine a PS(2) and Xbox without analog sticks...you can't really.

But why does shigsy that the graphic card is not easy to imitate? What kind of cooky GPU is Ati building?
keep in mind, the team making the Rev's GPU is probably the same team that made the Flipper for the GC, and that team wasn't part of Ati when that chip was finished, they were bought after that. Before that the team also made the GPU for the N64, so they are very very very close with Nintendo. Lowering the risk that anyone else (even higher-ups at Ati) know what this GPU is.

Leaves the question of the bloody controller open...
Joined 20 Apr 2004
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 15:18
OptimusP wrote:
Leaves the analog stick...why didn't they patented that... imagine a PS(2) and Xbox without analog sticks...you can't really.

Because contrary to popular belief, Nintendo did not make the first analogue thumbstick for use on a console controller. Take a look at this one, for example.
Joined 14 Jun 2005
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 15:56
Where did you get that?
What platform was it for? (PC? is that a usb 1.1 pug?)
It looks grim, nothing like the DC pad apart from the very vague shape.
Joined 20 Apr 2004
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 16:18
bogfar89 wrote:
Where did you get that?
What platform was it for? (PC? is that a usb 1.1 pug?)
It looks grim, nothing like the DC pad apart from the very vague shape.

It's the AX-1E, an analogue pad for the Mega Drive that never appeared outside of Japan (the picture and text scanned from an issue of Edge). It was compatible with After Burner 2, Galaxy Force 2 and F1 Hero.
Joined 17 May 2005
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 16:56
NiktheGreek wrote:
OptimusP wrote:
Leaves the analog stick...why didn't they patented that... imagine a PS(2) and Xbox without analog sticks...you can't really.

Because contrary to popular belief, Nintendo did not make the first analogue thumbstick for use on a console controller. Take a look at this one, for example.

Good one.

I know they even came about earlier than that one. The Atari 5200 had one (although it didn't auto-center, if i recall correctly, which was wierd)

here's a pic: http://www.best-electronics-ca.com/cx52-1.gif

I think it was also one of the first, if not the first, to have the "start" button on a controller.

And yes, it was uncomfortable after a while.

Joined 19 Apr 2005
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 18:05
TwoADay wrote:
NiktheGreek wrote:
OptimusP wrote:
Leaves the analog stick...why didn't they patented that... imagine a PS(2) and Xbox without analog sticks...you can't really.

Because contrary to popular belief, Nintendo did not make the first analogue thumbstick for use on a console controller. Take a look at this one, for example.

Good one.

I know they even came about earlier than that one. The Atari 5200 had one (although it didn't auto-center, if i recall correctly, which was wierd)

here's a pic: http://www.best-electronics-ca.com/cx52-1.gif

I think it was also one of the first, if not the first, to have the "start" button on a controller.

And yes, it was uncomfortable after a while.

There's a big difference between a control stick (or joystick) and an analogue control stick. One is analogue, one isn't!
As far as I know, Nintendo invented the first analogue control stick. Without which, ps2 and xbox would be rubbish.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 19:31
That old AX analogue pad or whatever it's could bears no relevance to Nintendo's N64 analogue pad. Why?

Because N64 pad was the first analogue pad to be design in order to navigate 3D games made for it rather than 2D games like that Sega pad. That is a big damn difference. Sony, MS and all of gaming have great gaming because of Nintendo and N64. Such an impact that Sony had to rustle up the Dual Shock rip off in order to make PSone on par. The PSones pad was designed with 2D gaming in mind but not really 3D.

Analogue on 2D games makes hardly any difference to the experience in the home next to a digital cross key. I can totally understand not wanting others using your ideas and it's good that they are treading with such caution. I do think MS on the other hand had little to worry about since they picked through the dead Dreamcast's designs for their ideas so no was was really bothered.

Now you know why the Xbox pad looked good but felt like holding a balloon. Because MS had to tamper with it so they would look different to the Dreamcast pad.

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