May You Be Touched By His Noodly Appendage And Bathed In His Sauce Forever.
O Mighty Hunger-Quelling Grail I Know Your Powers Will Not Fail Your Great Maker Now Has Pass'd But Without Water You Will Last For Centuries and a Day You Comply With Y3K Boil, Pour, Close, and Seal Three Minuites Pass, Voila! A Meal!
Religions don't start wars, they do offer a secondary layer of motivation and an extra excuse to justify their war, but is always a after thaught.
The real reason for any war is mankinds irrational group-conscience in terms of nations, cultures, city's and so on. The self-fabricated feeling that you belong to a certain group that has self-constructed properties. Religion is one of the many means to fill in those properties, which are illusionary. Thus creating a we-them dichotomie that can turn real violent when that group-feeling is abused by the people in power.
Also science isn't 100% sure, science is the art of being 99.99999...% sure that things will be that way. Seeing how brain-research is more and more uncovering that the reality that we experience is actually a filtered constructed in-put sensitive "something" done by our brain, that art of science is getting very plausible...and at the same time very debatable.
Also i would like to say that bhoedism is a neutral religion since it doesn't have a "god" but more a belief in a "force" Star Wars. Also bhoedists believe that anyone, no matter what belief can achieve Enlightement by his own means.
Religions don't start wars, they do offer a secondary layer of motivation and an extra excuse to justify their war, but is always a afterthought.
Ballocks! They do too. Especially back in the day. And that so-called secondary layer of motivation is the one that makes wars happen...Everyone wants to take everyone else's stuff and rape their women, its religion (and certain fantastical philosophies which aim to take the place of religion, Nazism and Marxism-Leninism, I'm looking at you) that tells us its OK to exterminate whole races. And you can't convince me that the Catholic Church itself never started no wars, cuz I just don't buy that.
Religion becomes ESPECIALLY dangerous when adulterated with pseudo-science or a judicious amount of real science taken out of context. Nazism an excellent example of a potent amalgam. Eugenics and Teutonic mysticism were two of its cornerstones. Communists of various flavors, while nominally areligious, have certainly been devout enough in their devotions to make a case for Communism AS religion. They have hymns and mantras and everything. And Communism has spawned further amalgams. The Khmer Rouge were certainly fanatical in their beliefs...
But finally I can think of one case incontrovertible case of religion being the primary, actual, and proximate cause of a war. The First Jewish-Roman War.