what i am saying, in a unapologetic categorisation, is that most of the general public are inexperienced idiots who wouldnt know a fantastic game if it came up and bit them on the arse
I totally agree and also more cohesive than I did. If Emril Lagassi were to one day start ranting on about video games, I'd punch him if I see him. I'm not saying you guys don't have any credibility to discuss and critique video games, but as with everything, there takes a certain degree of qualification to do it successfully. It's why Penny Arcade comes off as so enjoyable and usually agreeable in my opinion. That and they're not conceded pricks!
Question: If Halo sucks, then what is the best or even an example of a good FPS?
but i guess good examples of fps's would be wolfenstein + doom (of course, our lineage must be respected), some Quake game, HL1, Far Cry, HL2, Doom3 (but only as an extension of doom, which makes it kind of hard to add to the list but what the hell), Metroid Prime 1 + 2, System Shock 2, Perfect Dark..
theres others like AVP 1 + 2, but their quality can be contested in certain areas
i always found turok a weird one, from the first two incarnations it seemed like a game that couldve had it all but f**ked it up at the last minute.
totally, doom 3 didnt do much that was original, it was just doom but prettier and scarier. thats enough for me to like it though. definitely not a brilliant game when you think how far other shooters have come gameplay-wise since the days of doom but a game i enjoyed as a massive doom fan.