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Topic started: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 10:46
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Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 20:13
Pilot13 wrote:
You mother f**kers are gay, "he's a piece all right" what a piece of meat for you fags. How from a reply to a ps2 user I get replies from 2 stupid f**king xbox fans. PreciousRoi your a duch bag who complains about me cause I am always right when it comes to ps2, so you come out and say oh where do you get your info from, I look around dog, I go to ign, gamespot and gamespy, sites that get there info first and official. You go to SPOnG and start talking trash with your little xbox groupies.
Pilot13 your another close minded prick, you talk more s**t than me. I'm tired of proving you fags wrong time and time again. I believe you idiots live in europe so look on the charts and you'll see little to no xbox games on there. Sony's the s**t your just pissed cause you like to play garbage.
You guys are the only homothugz I have to post negative to and im tired of it. Until xbox is ahead of sony you can SHUT THE F**K UP!

P.S. To Pilot13, I bought ICO long before your close minded ass looked it's way. That game was a gem made by sony, something microsoft can't buy.

Shediesinred never said he was a PS2 fan, just that he had a PS2.

IGN, Gamespot and Gamespy are retarded places to look for games info beyond reviews. But even then they get paid to like something by the companies themselves. Something that's plauged[sic] the magazine industry for years.

'I'm tired of proving you fags wrong time and time again.' You haven't proved a goddamn thing.

'I believe you idiots live in europe so look on the charts and you'll see little to no xbox games on there.'
Yeah very few sony ones either. Lots of Nintendo DS at the moment.

'Sony's the s**t your just pissed cause you like to play garbage.'
I found Enter The Matrix very enjoyable yes.

'You guys are the only homothugz I have to post negative to and im tired of it.'
homothugz...what the...what the hell?

'Until xbox is ahead of sony you can SHUT THE F**K UP!'
So long as when Xbox overtakes Sony, which seeing how much money microsoft has, it will, you shut the f**k up as well.

'P.S. To Pilot13, I bought ICO long before your close minded ass looked it's way. That game was a gem made by sony, something microsoft can't buy.'
I'm very surprised Sony actually made it, and yes I did buy it long after you may have done but that was because I was waiting for the PS2 to get cheaper because it was the only game I wanted.

'You mother f**kers are gay, "he's a piece all right" what a piece of meat for you fags.'
Roi, I call dibs on his 'meat' drool.

In conclusion, Nintendo is the best.

Every answer you gave to my comments was so stupid that i'm quiting posting on this forum. Any nintendo sucks they made mad mistakes gamecube was one.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 20:35
I think you're pretty much right, they let the 'kiddy' ball get so far out in front of them, that when they did try to counter it, it was painfully obvious and seemed desperate. They counted on nostalgia to sell to adults, while making sure that parents knew that the 'kid-safe' console was the GC.

The only GC games I'd want to play badly, would be the Rouge Squadron series(another rare 3rd party GC exclusive). But right now my controller is the "S", now if they made an adapter(somewhere prolly)...and I knew someone I could borrow a GC from...and if I didn't have too many Xbox games to play as it is... Not that thats a slam at Ninty, just runs to my tastes and immunity to Ninty nostalgia.

I would also say that the proprietary disc format made it even more kiddy than it needed to be, as well as being pointlessly unique, something Nintendo does often to its detriment. Ethernet Link capability and DVD playback would have been a huge difference, IMNSHO, as well.

I guess since neo is leaving and never coming back *crosses fingers* it would be pointless to inform him that quitting is spelled with two "t"s...twit...
Joined 2 Feb 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:13
There's probably an adaptar some bright spark has fixed up somewhere on the net. I think Nintendo ought to try and forget about whatever reputation it has and just makes the game it wants to. That was, as far as I know, the ethos Shigeru Myamoto works on his games. But they desperately need new IP. At the moment it's very much Mario check, Zelda and a big fuss check, Metroid check etc.

Bye Neo
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