Gizmondo Fights Apathy - Pledges 89 Titles in 2005

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Topic started: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 19:09
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Joined 5 Apr 2005
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 12:45
One last point & a very important one to finish up on & that is, towards the end of 2005 the Gizmondo is expected to sell for £90 or less.
Which really will through down the gauntlet to the competition!
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 13:17
Jake wrote:

Let’s start with the internal memory issue shall we?!
64 mb’s of internal memory:

OK, so explain the review.

And instead of cut and pasting tedious marketing drivel from the Gizmondo website, tell us your own experience. Does the GPS feature work when you have no credit on your SIM?

DoctorDee wrote:
So I'll ask him again to give us example of the many times that new entrants have broken the mould in mature markets.”

Jake wrote:

I KNEW that was going to be your response. Dyson did NOT break the mold. He just produced a vacuum cleaner that was technically different to previous models. It was not a paradigm shift. It had the same form factors, and performed the same tasks as a traditional vacuum cleaner.

Anita Roddick launched into a mature cosmetics market with a new approach to selling and marketing beauty products with the Body Shop.

And how, exactly was making products, packaging them and selling them in shops a radical departure from what people were doing before?

Apple, I also believe have been very successful.

That's a good one. Let's recall once again what you said: "many times that new entrants have broken the mould in mature markets"

How did Apple, as the maker of the FIRST ever home computer break the mold in a mature market? It wasn't a mature market was it? It was a brand new market that they created.

There’s EasyJet with its new approach to marketing flying

No "new approach" to marketing. Just cheap seats.

And I could go on but I’m come to the end of the line in terms of doing your research for you.

Oh, get of your high horse, Mr "outraged". You haven't done my reaserch for me, I pretty much guessed that you were going to come back with Dyson, EasyJet and Apple.... I must admit Boody Shop surprised me. But the point is, I don't believe that any of your examples demostrate your criteria. I do not believe that those companies "broke the mold"... except for one, and then not in a "mature market"

I’ve argued my case clearly, clarified every claim and corrected your errors

I don't think that you have argued clearly, I think that you have repeated endless screeds of the Gizmondo website, and accepted that becauuse they say it, it is true. I think you are possibly the most credulous person I have ever met.

As for "correcting my errors". I haven't made any statements other than my personal opinion - that Gizmondo needs more and better games to stand a chance, and that without them, I think it's destined to failure. I can assure you that this is NOT an error, the same logic applies to PSP, DS and any other platform too.

I have NOTHING against Gizmondo, I just feel that it has no chance. Clearly, after buying one, you NEED to feel as if your money isn't wasted. If this means that you also need to be hopelessly unrealistic about its chances... go ahead. But don't go around calling other people's work, and their enntrirely justifiable scepticism "shoddy journalism".

I have no association with Tiger Telematics other than the fact that I think the Gizmondo is a great product and the company has lots of potential. Not a crime I think.

Not a crime at all, and you are welcome to your opinion...

With 21 stores opening up globally. 89 games to be launched. Millions of units already signed up in distribution deals around the world.

But it's just the way you mindlessly regurgitate their marketing claims that makes me think that you work for them. If they are not paying you... they OUGHT to be.

I think the future is looking good. However the test of time will tell.

Agreed. Would you care to make a wager? Let's say, if Gizmondo manages to make it to second place in the hand-held console market in the UK or USA within three years, I'll give you £1000. if not, you give me £1000?

No... thought not!
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 13:26
Jake wrote:
One last point & a very important one to finish up on & that is, towards the end of 2005 the Gizmondo is expected to sell for £90 or less.

What kind of crap is that? "expected to" by whom?

I mean... I happen to agree.

I think they'll be selling off the remaining units as cheap as they can to clear shelf space.
Joined 5 Apr 2005
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 14:08
You really are as stupid as you are ignorant aren't you!!!

You don't listen , you don't contribute, you don't offer up any objective thought process whatsoever.
However you knit-pick, side step at every opportunity you can.
Acknowledge absolutely sweet FA.
You have said nothing positive.
Maybe you should apply for a job at "The Sun" newspaper, it would be right up your street the way you go about things!

Take for example quoting you:

"Agreed. Would you care to make a wager? Let's say, if Gizmondo manages to make it to second place in the hand-held console market in the UK or USA within three years, I'll give you £1000. if not, you give me £1000?

No... thought not!"
DoctorDee - SPOnG

You really are lothsomely laughable, childish prick!

Here you are offering a wager. Not allowing me to even reply to your ridiculous offer, made solely on your terms,& then saying "No...thought not"!

Is that the best you can do?!

Joined 5 Apr 2005
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 14:28
You'll be please to know that I read the Guardian most days, (& as a photographer have worked for them).However I shall be looking out for your "piece" with relish. I hope your standards will improve considerably in order to meet theirs!!!
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 17:08
Jake wrote:
You'll be please to know that I read the Guardian most days

I am neither pleased nor displeased to know about your reading habits.

(& as a photographer have worked for them).

Is this supposed to impress me? Or was it merely for your own satisfaction?

However I shall be looking out for your "piece" with relish. I hope your standards will improve considerably in order to meet theirs!!!

The Guardian is an auspicious publication, but my standards have proven acceptable to the 20 odd publications I have written for and edited over the last 15 years.

But please, why did you feel the need to put the word piece in inverted commas?
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 17:19
Jake wrote:
You really are as stupid as you are ignorant aren't you!!!

Yes. I am.

But I can work out how to quote on these fora while using a Mac.

You don't listen

Oooh, someone can't handle not being agreed with. Are you going to stamp,. and scweam and start cawwing peopwe names? If I carry on, will you hold your bweath until mummy comforts you?

you don't offer up any objective thought process whatsoever.

Excuse me? Objective. All you have done is quote the freaking Gizmondo website like it was your bible.

Acknowledge absolutely sweet FA.

I acknowledge your opinion. I just think that it is wrong, and you REALLY don't like that, do you?

You have said nothing positive.

I don't think that you have been paying attention. I said that I thought the Gizomondo looks nice. I said that I'd LIKE to see a worthy competiitor too Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo and that Gizmondo could conceivably be that if it had a worthwhile roster of games.

Maybe you should apply for a job at "The Sun" newspaper, it would be right up your street the way you go about things!

I'll scweam and scweam and scweam.

Jake wrote:
Take for example quoting you:

DoctorDee wrote:
"Agreed. Would you care to make a wager? Let's say, if Gizmondo manages to make it to second place in the hand-held console market in the UK or USA within three years, I'll give you £1000. if not, you give me £1000?

You really are lothsomely laughable, childish prick!

Scweam and scweam and scweam and hold my breath.

Here you are offering a wager. Not allowing me to even reply to your ridiculous offer, made solely on your terms,& then saying "No...thought not"!

The purpose of the forum is for you to debate my terms, and either accept or turn down the offer. I am open to negotiation. If, for instance, you can't aford £1000, we can do it for 1p, the joy of winning would be the same.

Is that the best you can do?!

Well... I managed not to resort to calling names and stamping my feet.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 18:36
Jake wrote:
Is that the best you can do?!

DoctorDee wrote:
Well... I managed not to resort to calling names and stamping my feet.

Whoa, Jake, DUDE! You got owned.

I must say, the calling names thing isn't really acceptable round here. The SPOnG forum generally attracts a better kind of post than that. And what with you being a new boy and all, it's not even as if you've even earned the credit to get away with it.

We tend to be a tolerant bunch around here... that's not to say we don't go at one another passionately... but we don't usually let it get personal, and we don't typically resort to calling names. That's what, for me, makes SPOnG forums different than (and better than) other games sites.

I know, I know, last time a big name calling happened it was ME doing the name calling... but I'm as embarrassed about that as anyone. Especially BTQueezy and his sorry banned ass ;-)
Joined 21 Feb 2005
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 12:19
Jake wrote:
You'll be please to know that I read the Guardian most days, (& as a photographer have worked for them).However I shall be looking out for your "piece" with relish. I hope your standards will improve considerably in order to meet theirs!!!

C'mon Jake! You've gone almost 24 hours without throwing the pacifier out of the perambulator.

What's your considered response to these latest, injurious posts?

FFS! We simply must know!
Joined 8 Sep 2004
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 14:24
Mendez wrote:
What's your considered response to these latest, injurious posts?

FFS! We simply must know!

Guys, guys! Why not leave this poor Jake individual alone?

He seems like my type of guy. He dives in with both feet where the sane may fear to tread. He knows what's best because he's been told it by someone else (in Jake's case the Gizmondo website, though in my case it's my dads psychopathic right-wing friends). He can't conceive of why anyone would disagree with him. But if they do, he threatens them (well, in Jake's case he sulks and calls names, whereas I make a credible threat of nuclear distruction).

I think he's just exercising his first amendment right to be an asshole. And I will defend that right with every ounce of intelligence, wit and cunning in my body.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 15:35
G W****r Bush wrote:
I think he's just exercising his first amendment right to be an asshole. And I will defend that right with every ounce of intelligence, wit and cunning in my body.

Looks like you're on your own.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 17:02
Adam M wrote:
Cool. Any chance of a link if it goes up on Guardian Unlimited?

It did:,3605,1458557,00.html
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 17:05
Cool, thanks :)
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 18:42
Jake wrote:
With 21 stores opening up globally. 89 games to be launched. Millions of units already signed up in distribution deals around the world.

I think the future is looking good. However the test of time will tell.

Hey, Jake. Remember me?

Look what happened:
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