Killzone 2: Guerrila Admits "Some Areas to Improve"

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Topic started: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 13:19
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 16:56
anon again wrote:
Your sig didn't show when I first read your comment. Apologies.

I have yet to update my sig as I got a PS3 last week a used but mint condition 60gb will update now.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:05
Loved the demo. K2 is groundbreaking in its approach to enemy ai and the graphics are unsurpassed. The level of detail in smoke, dust and mist combined with the realistic physics make this a truely astounding game. K2 is raising the bar for the other AAA titles coming this year such as 'Heavy Rain' and 'God of War 3'. Also, I'm really looking forward to the online Warzone in which game objectives change mid-game. The Idea of a team deathmatch suddenly switching to a search and destroy then to a capture the flag seems refreshing and will hopefully stop so many people switching games.

I'm counting the days to it's release..... :-)
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:22
I'm sure all he meant was they have learned a lot about the PS3 since starting development of Killzone 2. There are areas of the game that could have been improved on. I bet if they started the game now knowing what they know it could be twice as good. The problem is you have to release the game at some point. I can't wait to play the game and to see what Guerrilla Games comes up with next.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:27
i loved the demo, although the controls are going to take some getting used to. great art direction. best looking game i've played down to the wall textures!
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:31
Of course an Xbot's eyes will refuse to see the superb graphics of killzone2 .
and it has been said the graphics in the final build is way better than the demo.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:49
Wait a second...Gears of War blew you? intersting. Wasn't aware the 360 had a mouth. However, I think it's universally acknowledged by...well, everyone accept your first commenter that Gears 1 is decimated graphically by KZ2....and that it's on par, or better than Gears 2. Again, graphically speaking. Yes there are some nit picks regarding controls and such, but really GG wasn't looking to make yet another fast paced run and gunner. From what I understand, and from what I've seen in the demo, running and gunning get you pounded into the ground. It's refreshing to have a game that you actually need to think and be tactical with...rather than a frag fest. (Although, those can be fun also hehe).

Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:52
spong whats big deal have you got a vendetta against the ps3 or are you run by Microsoft, your views are biased and you never seem give any good news about ps3,while other game sites give the anticipated titles a boost your in the background kicking them before they even got up, so whats the deal eh?
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 18:27
bryan wrote:
spong whats big deal have you got a vendetta against the ps3 or are you run by Microsoft, your views are biased and you never seem give any good news about ps3,while other game sites give the anticipated titles a boost your in the background kicking them before they even got up, so whats the deal eh?

Of course, you are the customer are correct. Would any other SPOnG readers like to support bryan's assertion of SPOnG's obvious Microsoft bias?

I'm off up the shops to spend all the money that Alvin Greenfrog has just packed into my pockets.


Thu, 19 Feb 2009 18:28
IMHO, the demo was way too short to give any gamer that was on the fence a significant push in the right direction. They should have had the entire first level.

@SuperSaiyan4, i know what mean but you have see the following. KZ2 is almost the Gears of War 1 for the PS3.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 18:36
@supersayian4-gears 1AND 2 look terribly pixilated even on a good LCD tv running at 1080p. all the textures look like plastic with a layer of vasoline over it. Your crazy and in denial if you think Gears 1 looks better then killzone2 and i own an xbox. I will be buying a PS3 for killzone 2. Even that game Uncharted looks alot better then gears. Gears is a terribly over rated game in all aspects and only xbots who cant admit they dont have the best console still try to claim gears is the best game out there. Pretty much every exclusive for the PS3 has looked 10times better then any 360 exclusive.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 19:11
See, I refute your assertion - not least because I reviewed Killzone 2, awarding it 94%. Oh, and I don't own a 360. Or an original XBox.

@SS4 I was completely underwhelmed by Gears, but I'll give you this - the demo level of KZ2 is far from the most visually impressive part of the game. I haven't actually played the demo (given that I played the preview, then had to redo it all again with the review code you can prolly understand why), so I'm not sure how far it goes. Does it include the scene with the RPG equipped Helghast in the building that you destroy? I think that's when things start to heat up.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 19:23
You're crazy... Killzone 2 looks WAAAY better than either Gears games, and the demo was freakin awesome. Easily the best demo I've played on either system so far. The combat is intense and really puts its hooks into you. So far this is might be my favorite game of 09... not really much competition this year.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 19:35
amir wrote:
@supersayian4-gears 1AND 2 look terribly pixilated even on a good LCD tv running at 1080p. all the textures look like plastic with a layer of vasoline over it. Your crazy and in denial if you think Gears 1 looks better then killzone2 and i own an xbox. I will be buying a PS3 for killzone 2. Even that game Uncharted looks alot better then gears. Gears is a terribly over rated game in all aspects and only xbots who cant admit they dont have the best console still try to claim gears is the best game out there. Pretty much every exclusive for the PS3 has looked 10times better then any 360 exclusive.

10 Times better... no. Most PS3 exclusive do look better than 360 games but only marginally. Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid are the only two games that just crush anything on the 360 graphically up until now. I like both systems but yea, it's pretty clear now that the PS3 is the graphically superior system of the two.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 20:08
Now all they need to do is release their engine for the development community so they don't have to use that awful 'Unreal Engine' or spend money on poorer engine designs.

Then we will see some games :)
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 20:13
Wooow.@First comment.
Gow graphics> Killzone 2 graphics? Get off the crack.

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