Sony's Reeves: PS3 Will Overtake PAL Xbox 360 This Year

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Topic started: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 17:40
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Joined 6 Dec 2006
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:50
Nooooooooo!!!!!! Justice!!!!!!!!!!!

you see what you fanboys have done? (wipes tears from face) look. god. my god. hollywooda, (cradles you) gone... d.d..dead... (begins sobbing uncontrollably) you bastards. you f**king bastards. why±!? he just wanted to love. and now. now that will never happen. (stands up) no... never.

(a ear shattering blast of metal is heard echoing down the dank alleyway, followed by a thud. mrAnthony's bloodied head smashed against the cold floor)

Joined 9 Nov 2005
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 13:41
I don't care who owns what - it's about how good it is. Also, they say they're competing with the XB360, but they don't act like it a lot of the time. I'm pleased so far with my PS3, but minor issues like bad ports, exclusives being sucked up by MS, Blu-ray's slow devolution, and delays on major titles, aren't improving fast enough yet. They need to remember that they are competing, because it's easy enough for me to replace my PS3 with an XB360 and an HD-DVD player (I haven't bought any Blu-ray movies yet), etc. the second I feel it would be a benefit to do so. Some aspects are better than/equal to the XB360, but a lot of those are only potential aspects that I'm waiting on.

Here's what they need to do in order to beat XB360:

1) Release Home
2) In-game XMB with proper chat
3) Release major titles soon, i.e. Little Big Planet, Tekken 6, GT, MGS, GTA...

Other things I would like to see (but don't expect):

Ace Combat 6, Region-free Blu-ray, Playstation Store divided by language, not continent/region, plus a commercial distribution of a PS3-specific Linux, and free money, please.

Oh, and, of course, Outrun 3, with photorealistic graphics, as well.
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 13:43
Nice to see Hypercunt being his normal arrogant self.

Am still delighted to have got rid of that black paper weight all this time I was cleaning £425 of black gold!

Overall without repeating myself Xbox 360 is just a better sytem all round, if your a PS fanboy then worship it I go to the game shop and there is nothing new for the PS3.

Looking forward to play Devil May Cry 4 on the XBOX 360! Ha Hypercunt you will do well to remember the PS games that are now on the 360.

Oh and hows Ace Combat? Woops my bad its exclusive to the XBOX 360.

I bet it was hard to WAIT for many cross platform games on the PS3...

Oh and who gets exclusive content for GTA 4? Damn that would be the XBOX 360

Who has all the best RPG's this gen? No not again...XBOX 360!

All PSfanbabies harp on about is MGS4 and FF13 oh and that Haze game...That will get scrapped.

I cant wait for Too Human, Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2 ONLY ON XBOX 360

Joined 14 Jan 2008
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:17
That's why the PS3 has the best games line up this year then is it? And why Japan not only buys the PS3, but properly supports it is it?

Why don't you just go back to your cheaply built console. Might get the red ring of death, but remember not to keep it on for more than 5 mins. It overheats like a volcano ;) and sounds like a jet engine.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:24
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Overall without repeating myself Xbox 360 is just a better sytem all round,...!

You see this is where your argument breaks down, your 360 will!
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 15:56
My launch console broke down within 3 months after that I have NEVER had a 360 break down I also have the new Elite with the Falcon gpu so your argument is a complete fail.
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 01:28
hollywooda wrote:
Ohh look at you all, getting all agressive over a console, must be an empty life when you have to get so passionate over a piece of sick of these wars, the PS3 this the 360 tired, & i cant go on, so this is me Hollywooda, signing out, no more,...... i just cant do it anymore, going over the same old ground, people arguing & tearing each other to shreds over the same old things. Shouldn't games websites be about gaming?, don't gamers get enough sh1t off the rest of the world about being mindless geeks & people who need to "get a life", we should be united on gaming website, getting excited about the joys of gaming & the future of gaming, but no, we'd rather spend our time trying to think of a witty & insulting way of describing someones console choice..... We've turned on ourselves & in this war there is only one winner, the big companies who get our money, because for as much passion as you may have for Sony or Microsoft at the end of the day they are a business, & you are money, there is no loyalty in them to us, so why do we fight so intensely for them!!, what we should be doing is talking amongst ourselves as united gamers, PS3 owners sharing details with 360 owners, making sure that with the power of the Internet we let the big companies hear our thought & get issues resolved & insure that gaming is set to standard that we wont let drop. But divided as we are its all to easy for MS & Sony to play us off against each other & make a ton of cash. I know this is a bit of a rant, but i used to enjoy gaming websites & i even enjoyed the rivalry, but its gone stale, & just turned bitter. Website no longer want to have proper discussions on games & gaming they are just concerned with getting as many hits from hungry fanboys by putting headlines like PS3 vs 360, next to every story. I'm just too tired to keep on fighting...... the white flag is up, the last bullet in the chamber fired......goodbye.

It seems some people weren’t listening to you, one of whom pops up, bitches about the PS3 then complains that they’re not an MS fanboy because they own a PS3, on EVERY forum on SPONG.
If anyone wants to get upset and vent their spleen over something pointless, then try football, THAT IS WHAT IT’S THERE FOR.
In the meantime if one of the big three did drop out, who wins? Not gamers and not the game makers.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 13:17
p wrote:
Add to this if you buy a sony telly you might get offered a cheap PS3 (I did £125) I'd guess this'll pump sales and put sony's neck even more on the line.

Hmmmm. I haven't seen any bargain Sony TVs, so wouldn't it have been cheaper to buy a Samsung, or a Panasonic, and a full price PS3.

Joined 3 Apr 2005
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 13:21
I'm not an MS fanboy, and I don't own a PS3 and I have no plans to own a PS3.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 13:25
PreciousRoi wrote:
I'm not an MS fanboy, and I don't own a PS3 and I have no plans to own a PS3.

That sounds like fanboy talk to me.

Joined 4 Jul 2007
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 13:29
DoctorDee wrote:
PreciousRoi wrote:
I'm not an MS fanboy, and I don't own a PS3 and I have no plans to own a PS3.

That sounds like fanboy talk to me.

i think its me, as i am a closet MS fanboy, and i own a PS3!
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 13:37
haritori wrote:
i think its me, as i am a closet MS fanboy, and i own a PS3!

Now I'm just confused.

Mon, 28 Jan 2008 21:33
DoctorDee wrote:
p wrote:
Add to this if you buy a sony telly you might get offered a cheap PS3 (I did £125) I'd guess this'll pump sales and put sony's neck even more on the line.

Hmmmm. I haven't seen any bargain Sony TVs, so wouldn't it have been cheaper to buy a Samsung, or a Panasonic, and a full price PS3.

Boxing Day special £400 off a new model 40inch 1080p SONY TV and £175 off the PS3 plus, because I know someone who’s son works at the shop I got a 10% staff discount on top of that.
So no, I don’t think it would have been cheaper.
Most people I know would either buy a cheap no-name brand or go for a SONY or Panasonic because they know the name, which is a shame as the Samsungs are good sets.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 29 Jan 2008 08:38
p wrote:
Most people I know would either buy a cheap no-name brand or go for a SONY or Panasonic because they know the name, which is a shame as the Samsungs are good sets.

Too right they are, we have a couple of Samsung 50" Plasma's in the office and they are astoundingly good. Every bit as good as the Panasonic I have at home.

Sounds like you got a bargain though.

Tue, 5 Feb 2008 09:26
im sure ps3 will over take the wii and 360 but is that because blueray dvd players are so expencive and as we all know ps3 has blueray which mean why pay 400 quid for dvd play when ps3 is cheaper all the computers that are out at moment all have there good games and crap ones i doo think the price of most games are to expencive which is why you get people after backups and all so sony is a good name dosent mean the games are gone be fantastic
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